Where have I been, you ask? Well, at least my dad has been asking! I am a PE teacher and our "big event" (aka. field day) happens in the Spring. All year I have had in my mind that our field day was scheduled for May 20th. No, I don't keep a planner. I have it all up here! *pointing to my head* Who needs a planner when you have a FANTASTIC memory! Well, evidently, I do. We were talking in the office the other day about something that is scheduled for May 20th and it wasn't field day. Apparently, field day has been scheduled for May 6th ALL YEAR! Needless to say, I had to kick it into high gear and start getting ready. I have shirts to order, schedules to arrange and stations to create! So until things settle down a little bit or until one of the kids does something too funny not to share, my presence on my blog will be minimal. Once field day is over and I am counting down the final THREE weeks of school, I hope to be on here more often! Ta Ta for Now!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago