Sunday, September 25, 2011

Needed: Personal Shopper

Addie and I had a Ladies Day yesterday. I had high hopes of a successful shopping day. We went to eat lunch and then went shopping at a few stores. I had a few things in mind that I needed to get, then I just wanted to look around a bit. I discovered, though, that I must have shopping ADD or some other shopping ailment. I would pick something up, then get distracted by Addie hiding in the clothes or by someone that happened to walk by or by something that had fallen on the floor. Then, I would put up whatever I had in my hands. I couldn't even focus most of the time because of the noise, people or overwhelming amount of things in the store. Have stores always been so jam packed full of clothes???
I have wanted to make bows for Addie for a while now, but have just never done it. I thought it would be fun for us to go to Michael's and look at the ribbon. NOT! I didn't take into account that it is Homecoming season in Texas and it was a MAD HOUSE! I wandered aimlessly through the store and had to leave because I could literally feel my blood pressure rising and my sanity leaving me.
In total we went to 7 different stores. It was miserable. I REALLY wanted to buy a new outfit, but I don't even know where to start. Then, if I bought a new outfit I would need new shoes. Oh the horror! I couldn't focus or even think long enough to pick something out to try on. I went home feeling very defeated. I KNOW I need a few new things to wear, but I just don't know where or what or even how! It is all just overwhelming to me right now. So, I will keep wearing my same old clothes, some of which are too big and baggy. I used to love to shop, but not now. I don't know what has happened. I think I just need someone to take me by the hand, pick some things out for me to try on and tell me what looks good and what doesn't. Any takers?!?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Now that school is back in session and I am seeing people I haven't seen in a few months, the questions are starting to be asked. "How have you lost weight?" "Do your really get up at 4am to exercise? Everyday?" "How can I lose weight quickly?" "What kind of exercises can I do?" "Is there a pill or vitamin I should be taking?"

Believe me, I have tried a lot of things to lose weight. I am still trying new things, because I am not quite there, yet. What I have discovered through all my trials and many errors, is that there is not a "magic bullet" or something that works for everyone. You have to find what works for YOU.

I have spent many, many hours at the gym trying to exercise the weight away. In short, it just doesn't work. The key is diet and exercise. When I say "diet" I don't mean a fad, quick or overly-restrictive diet. I mean paying attention (close attention) to what you are eating and trying to eat healthy most of the time. In all my years of fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" I have discovered (finally!) that it is about 75-80% what you put in your face and only about 20-25% hard, consistent exercise. I honestly thought I could exercise hard 5-6 days a week and eat anything I wanted. That only worked to a point. I would lose some, but plateau and the scale would never move. It wasn't until I started doing Weight Watchers consistently that the weight started to come off.

I didn't want Weight Watchers to work. I didn't want to have to change my diet. I wanted to be able to blame my weight on being "big boned" or "muscular" or "genetics." I didn't want to have to be accountable for what I fed my face. Exercise is the easy part of the equation. Eating right is the hard part.

I get weekly emails from and this week there is an interesting article about finding what works for you. I encourage you to read it and find the combination of diet and exercise that helps you be the healthiest you possible.