Yesterday morning Jackson asked if I would go out with him on a date. Bryson and I had a lunch "date" last week, so Jackson wanted one, as well. We actually ended up going on a "double date" with Drew and Bryson. (Addie was there too. She was the fifth wheel!) We went to eat Mexican food at Oscar's. Jackson had to sit next to me. We even shared an entree! Bryson had a PTA program following dinner, but we went to Braum's for ice cream afterwards. Again, Jackson had to sit next to me. Since we had both cars, Jackson wanted to ride with me back home. He asked if he could sit in the front. (This is a rare treat.) Of course, I said yes. I put his booster seat in the front and he held the door open for me. As we were driving, he asked if he could hold my hand "since we are on a date." Again, I said yes! We held hands all the way home. He was so sweet and so happy to be on our "date" together. I hope there will be a second date soon!
In the mornings I always eat my breakfast in the car. This morning I had a Bagelful (Have you ever tried these? They are a bagel with cream cheese in the middle. They come in several different flavors. There is even a whole wheat one! They are wonderful.) I didn't want an apple this morning, so I got some baby carrots. I thought I needed some protein, so I grabbed an individual cheddar cheese. I also had some juice.
Jackson, still sitting in the front seat, looked over at me and said, "I think I like that. Can we share?"
So, I gave him some of my beloved Bagelful. Addie was yelling, "Mo, mo (more, more)," in the backseat so she got some too.
When I opened the cheese Jackson looked over and said, "I like cheese."
"Do you want some?" I asked.
"Yes. Can I have half of it?" So, he ate half of my cheese.
I reached for the carrots knowing these would be all mine. He NEVER eats carrots at home. "Hey, Mom. Remember when I used to not like carrots. I like them now!" So, he ate some of my carrots!
After I dropped Jack and Addie off at Miss Linda's, Bryson gets in the car and asks, "Hey, Mom, are you going to drink the rest of that juice?"
So much for eating MY breakfast this morning. I think I got to eat half of it! That's one way to cut calories.
We were sitting at a red light this morning so I decided to put my lipstick on. Jackson says, "Mom, it's not safe to drive while you are lipsticking."
Today is Drew's birthday. He is 38. When did we get so old? I know 38 is not "old", but I don't feel like we should be this "age." When I was younger, people who were 38 were old! I am so thankful for Drew. I won't elaborate again and risk making you ill! :) I have posted in the past about how wonderful he is. He is still that wonderful! I love him more each day! Happy birthday, Sweetie!
Bryson lost another tooth today. I say lost, what I really mean is that I yanked it out! After holding him down and him screaming like a banshee for several minutes, he finally calmed down so I could get it out. May the tooth fairy be generous tonight. He owes me a dollar!
Drew has to scout a Thursday game tomorrow night. Hopefully the kids will want cereal for dinner! I have become used to having him at home every night this week. Yes, he cooked on his birthday. I know, I am a sorry excuse for a wife! Have I mentioned that I HATE to cook?
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I'm glad Bryson's tooth finally came's been bothering him for several days now I know. I doubt that sweet child screamed like a banshee! (actually I don't...I know how Connor acts when I try to do anything like that with him) I came back in from my planning meetings yesterday and there was a note on my desk. It said "I love you." No signature, but I KNOW it was Bryson's handwriting. You are raising such a wonderful young man. He makes my day on a regular basis.
Oh, and sorry I made your date cheat on you last night and give me TWO hugs, but I was really needy! LOL
Ok, the date story had me a little teary-eyed. I hope to have a "date" with Noah someday! What a special time for Jackson!
Would you ask Jackson if he would like to go on a date with me??????
I think that is the sweetest thing I have heard in a long time.
If I had been there Drew would not have to cook!!!! Altho he is a much better cook than me!!!!
I'm glad Bryson lost another tooth.
Don't think 38 is old, sounds like a baby to me!!!!! Just wait!!!!
Love You,
Grandmother jack is going to be a heartbreaker!!! :)
yay can't wait till next saturday!!!
<3 Ashley
Jackson is so sweet! I hope Kade wants to go on a date with me oneday.
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