It is time for an intervention. Addison is addicted to Elmo. I'm not talking about a mild crush, this is a full-blown addiction. She wakes up talking about Elmo and goes to sleep talking about Elmo. When we walk in the house, the first thing she says is, "I want to watch Elmo."
About the time school started, I began recording Sesame Street for Addison to watch. At first, she could take it or leave it. She wasn't too interested in it. Over time, however, she began to watch more and more of it. Now she wants to watch it every moment she is awake. Well, not every moment, sometimes she requests Tinkerbell. But, Elmo ranks far above Tinkerbell.
There have been some positive things come out of all this Sesame Street time, though. She has learned many of her letters, how to count, all of her shapes and most importantly how to eat like Cookie Monster.
I don't know how we are going to handle this problem. Should I make her quit cold-turkey or wean her off slowly?
I guess there are worse things she could be addicted to. At least I don't have to wean her off a pacifier.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
She will outgrow "Elmo" I'm sure. As you said there are worse things, as "sweets" like her Grandmother!!
Neither. You should Tell Addie how Elmo only goes for girls who use the potty- Maybe he can convince her! ;o)
You leave that sweet girl alone. Soon it will pass & she'll be in love with a Jonas Brother! Enjoy this time!
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