Friday, April 30, 2010


After Training Day 1 with Bryson, I was sure there wasn't going to be a Training Day 2. That was until we watched Biggest Loser this week. Bryson and I have been watching Biggest Loser together all season. I have watched it in the past, but I have never watched every episode. This year I became hooked from the very beginning. Bryson got hooked, too. So, each week we record the show and pick a night where we can watch it together. I love that time with him and look forward to it each week. (Drew, on the other hand, doesn't like to watch it and doesn't even want to be in the same room when it is on.) Bryson is a very sensitive little boy and always ends up crying at some point during the show. Of course, I do too!

This week on the show the remaining contestants ran a 5k. They were actually in Dallas when they recorded their run, so that was pretty cool, too. As the contestants were running and were talking to some other people who came out to run with them, Bryson said, "Mom, they have inspired me. I want to run a 5k. If they can do it, so can I."

I think Bryson is in good enough shape to run/walk a 5k. I am not going to try to "train" him. I am just going to sign him up and see how he does. I will let him set the pace and I will stay with him the entire time. I won't say that I won't encourage him to run to the next corner, next street, stop sign, etc. I want him to see that he can do it and that success comes from participating and finishing what you start. I want him to see that you don't always have to be the fastest runner to be a "winner." I am looking forward to running with him and I hope we enjoy our time together as much as I anticipate we will. I will let you know how it goes!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Training~ Day 1

Sunday Bryson and I decided would be a good day to start training for his first 5k. When he first mentioned the desire to start running, I made a promise to myself that I WOULD NOT pressure him in any way. I would not yell at him, I would let him set the pace, I would let him lead. Yeah, I know, I set myself up for failure!

We started out okay yesterday. We started with a warm-up. We walked for three minutes before I mentioned running. Oh, and I must mention that Jackson wanted to go with us. Again, set myself up for failure. After warming up I told him we would try to jog for three minutes then we would walk again for one minute. I thought this would be a good cycle and it wouldn't be too difficult on his first day. Well, Jackson lasted about two minutes. Bryson jogged the entire three minutes. I let him set the pace which was easy considering that my calf is still healing and each step was pretty painful. I know, I know, I shouldn't be jogging, yet, but the race is only four weeks away and we don't have any time to waste. We walked for a minute and then I mentioned that it was time to jog again. By this time Jackson is crying and Bryson jogged for about one minute before he stopped and started whining. We circled back around to the house to drop Jackson off. Bryson insisted that he wanted to keep going, so we started again.

We began with a jog which lasted until we got to the end of our street. I MADE him keep going. He started dragging his feet and eventually twisted his ankle. After I yelled at him and told him that this whole thing was HIS idea, we started back home. I told him that he has until Friday to let me know if he really wants to run 3.1 miles WITHOUT COMPLAINING. If not, then I will go BY MYSELF! Yes, I yelled all of this as we were walking home. I am not proud, I am just being honest.

Once we were home, Addison wanted to go running. That girl RAN all the way down our street without stopping! Of course, by the time we rounded the corner and were walking up another street she decided she was too tired to go any farther. I ended up carrying her all the way home, on my back. That is how our first day of training went. I can't wait to see how day 2 goes!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Injury and running

Last Thursday I hurt myself by kicking a kickball. Yeah, I know, sounds stupid, doesn't it? But, that is exactly what happened. I was pitching the ball to a 4th grade student who didn't kick it very far. It came right to me and I was going to try to help it go a little farther into the field. When I kicked it, I felt a couple of pops in my right calf. The pain took me to the ground. I didn't want to freak the kids out, so I hobbled out of the way and sat in the grass. The pain was pretty intense and brought tears to my eyes. I am glad I had sunglasses on! I sat there until it was time to go inside. It took me a while to walk in, but I did it under my own power. It was sheer determination and maybe a little pride that allowed me to walk in by myself.

Once inside the pain didn't ease up. In fact, I think it got worse. I had pain from my calf all the way up into my right glute muscle. I couldn't get comfortable sitting or standing. It even made me a little nauseous. I tried to make it through the afternoon, but I just couldn't. I was in too much pain.

Around 1:30, I checked the boys out of school and headed home. Drew was scheduled to work a track meet that evening and I knew he wouldn't be able to get them after school. We picked Addie up at Miss Linda's and headed home. All I could think about was getting home and taking some pain medicine. I had a few hydrocodones left over from a procedure in the fall and they were calling my name! When Drew learned that I was going to take some heavy duty narcotics, he asked his fellow coaches if he could go home to take care of me and the kids. I was so thankful! I took my hydrocodone, some ibuprofen and some Simply Sleep. I wanted to sleep the pain away!

I slept fitfully and when I woke up the next morning my leg and foot was pretty swollen. I seriously considered staying home, but I had things I needed to do at school. I kept telling myself not to be a wimp and to get moving. I did and made it through the day.

Each day it got a little better. I still have a slight limp, but I think it is healing. Tonight Drew noticed that my leg is bruised from my calf all the way down past my ankle into my foot. It isn't very dark, so I never noticed it. I never went to a doctor, but I am pretty sure (after consulting Dr. Google) that I have a grade 2 sprain in my right calf. It will probably take several weeks for it to heal completely. I am hopeful that it won't take that long!

On a slightly related note, Bryson told me that he wants to start running with me! This is exciting to me because I have been hoping he would become interested in running/working out with me. We have decided that I will train him to run a 5K with me at the end of May. I am hopeful that we can start running this week. I may not do too much running at first, but he needs to get started if he is going to build up any kind of endurance. I really want him to set the pace. I am not going to push him too hard. I want this to be a positive experience for him that will hopefully be the start of his love of exercising and competing. I will let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Addison Funny




Me: Addison, stop touching my boob!

Addison: But, Mommy, they are bouncy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Botanic Gardens (warning: picture overload!)

I took the kids to the Botanic Gardens today. I have been wanting to go and today seemed like the perfect day! We went early and stayed for a couple of hours. It was starting to get crowded by the time we left, so we timed it just right. We had fun walking around and taking pictures. At one point we saw some bees flying around some flowers. We spent quite a bit of time watching the bees collect pollen from the flowers. It was really interesting to watch and Addie was fascinated! She kept saying, "They won't hurt me, Mommy. They are just worried about the flowers. They aren't worried about me." Even Bryson had fun watching. Usually, if he sees a bee, he runs screaming like a girl in the opposite direction! We walked and we talked. We ran and we jumped. We had a great time. I love spending time with my kids and love it even more when they are all getting along!
We left and went looking for something to eat. I spotted a Panera and HAD to stop. I love Panera and will eat there any chance I get. There were four college-age girls sitting at a table next to us. Evidently, we are very entertaining. They watched us the entire time we were there! Of course, Addison did have peanut butter from the top of her head down to her legs. She even managed to get some on my watch! I heard them talking about how cute Jackson was. I think he heard them, too, because he kept trying to turn his face away from them. Bryson was our refill man and they were quite impressed with him, too. At least we gave them something to talk about!
Drew was at home cleaning and getting ready for Pily to come. We are going to have Bryson's birthday dinner tonight and take him shopping at Toys R Us later this evening. Gram (Drew's mom) took him shopping and out to dinner last night. Thanks, again, Cheryl! Bryson is having a great birthday weekend so far.
Addison was complaining about her throat hurting on the way home. Hopefully, she isn't coming down with strep throat. Bryson missed 3 1/2 days of school last week. I don't want to miss any more work this year. I know Drew doesn't mind missing, but I hate to be gone! :0)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

10 years old!

Tomorrow Bryson will be 10 years old! I can hardly believe that it has been 10 years since I became a mommy to this little boy. (I blogged about his birth here last year.) The past 10 years have gone by so quickly. I am so blessed have Bryson as my son. He is a sensitive, caring boy. He loves with his whole heart. He is a wonderful big brother to a little brother and little sister. He is turning into a sweet young man. I look forward to watching him mature and grow into a wonderful man. Bryson, I love you with all my heart.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pictures and Bullet points

Me and my baby girl.

Jackson, Bryson and Addison

Jackson LOVES his big brother!

Addison~ this was the best one I could get.

Me and my three sweeties. Don't you just love the top of Addison's head!

These are our pictures from Easter. Addison wasn't really into taking pictures that morning, so there aren't any good ones. We have been very busy lately, so I will just update using bullet points. It's just easier that way.

  • Over Spring Break we went to the museum and I lost my camera bag along with my camera cords. This is why I haven't posted any pictures until now. My wonderful husband ordered some new cords and I just go them in the mail today.
  • We are counting down to the end of the school year. Only 38 more days to go! Woo Hoo! Bring on summer break! I am so ready to spend time with my kids and Drew. I can't wait to hang out at the pool and the local water park. I plan on doing a little work for next year, too. I just need to re-energize.
  • I help with my flowerbed in the front yard. I am hoping to get some help from one of my friends. I don't know what to plant and have been putting it off. I wish I knew what to put there, but I don't. I am not too proud to admit it!
  • I decided that the Easter Bunny was NOT coming to our house this year. I even told the kids he wouldn't be coming. We have spent so much on Bryson's mouth this past month that I didn't want to spend any more money. Drew was all for it. He didn't do the Easter Bunny growing up and doesn't really care to do it now. So, Saturday night I was in bed thinking about what a bad mother I am because my kids were going to wake up Easter morning without an Easter basket. Yes, I know Easter is about the resurrection of Christ and has NOTHING to do with the Easter Bunny, but I still felt bad that I was taking away some fun from them. (Yes, I have problems with guilt! That is a post for another day!) I even shed some tears over it. Stupid, I know. Well, my super sweet husband gets out of bed, gets dressed and goes to WalMart at 10:00 on a Saturday night to get the kids something for Easter. I fell in love with him all over again at that very moment. He was so sweet. I KNOW he didn't want to go, but he did it for me and the kids. He is so self-less when it comes to us and that was just one more way he expressed it. Thanks, again, Sweetie! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
  • My dad, stepmother and little sister are coming up this weekend for Bryson's birthday. I can't believe my first little baby is going to be TEN years old! I'm sure I will have a special post for him later this week. His birthday is on Friday.
  • We decided to not have birthday parties for the boys this year. We are just going to make their favorite meal (When I say "we," I mean Drew!) and take them shopping for a present. The were fine with the arrangement and Bryson is looking forward to going shopping this weekend.
  • Today we went to a funeral of a friend from church. Blake battled cancer for 5 1/2 years. We know he is in a better place and is now cured and healthy! I pray for peace and comfort for his wife and kids. I can only imagine how difficult it is losing your husband. I have lost a sister and my mother and that was hard enough.
  • After the funeral, I was on my way back to school and got a text from my EA saying Bryson was in the nurse's office with a temperature and headache. When I got to school she had already rearranged my day and got all my duty spots covered for the afternoon so I could take Bryson home! I am very thankful!
  • I took Jackson out of school early, also. Drew has track practice after school today and I didn't want him to have to try to leave early to pick Jackson up. Believe me, Jackson didn't mind one bit!
  • Last night Addison told us she didn't want to be a sister anymore. She wants to be a brother. Later, she said she wanted to be a sister again. Silly girl!
  • I did a bunch of lunges this morning and yesterday morning, so I am very sore. It is on my mind, so I added that! Not really important to anyone but me!

Those are just a few of the things going on this week. I will try not to go so long in between posts. My dad even e-mailed me to tell me I hadn't posted in a while! At least I know he is reading!