Bryson as a newborn. I loved his sweet, snuggly self. I would hold him for hours!
Three months old and ready to go. He had had one lip surgery at this time and was looking like such a big boy.
6 months old. First Halloween. He was the first of my three kids to wear this costume. My mom bought it for him and I thought he looked so cute in it!
One year old. I know he will hate me for this picture one day! I used to love taking pictures of him with no clothes on!
Two years old. What a cutie!
Four years old and a couple of months away from being a big brother. Look at his left hand. He would carry as many superheros in his left hand as he could. He used his right hand for everything.

Five years old. Looking so grown up.

Five, again.

Bryson was such a good big brother to Jackson. He loved to hold him in his lap.
My first, sweet little boy was born at 2:09 pm on April 9, 2000. He weighted 6 pounds and 12 ounces. I had no idea I was in labor with him. I thought I was having terrible gas pains! We finally called the doctor around three in the morning and we were told to go to the hospital. I was just over 36 weeks and thought I had a little more time before Bryson would make his appearance. When we arrived at the hospital I was dilated to a 4 and we were told to get ready to have a baby!
My doctor was out of town, so we had another doctor helping us. Before he placed Bryson on my stomach he told me that there was something wrong with Bryson's lip. He said surgery would fix it and it was very minor. We had no idea anything was wrong. I was expecting a perfect little baby. When I saw him for the first time I was a little shocked and upset. I didn't know what to think. He was beautiful but his lip was not normal. They took him away because he was having a little trouble breathing. Drew went with him and I was left all alone. I remember crying, not knowing what was going on.
It took some time before I wanted to see people. I didn't want anyone to look at my baby and be shocked or disgusted. I know this sounds terrible now, but at the time it was a big deal to me. I remember asking when we could have his lip fixed. Three months was the answer. I thought that would be forever.
He had his first surgery at three months and a second one at 6 months. After the second one the plastic surgeon said he would probably need at least one more as he got older. We are going to see about getting that one done this summer.
Bryson was our world for four years. We loved him more than anything. He was our constant entertainment. He made us laugh every day. This little boy has been through a lot in his short life. I miss those days when life was so simple. I can't believe my baby will be 9 years old tomorrow. Time has flown by. He is smart, creative, caring, sensitive, feisty, sweet, hard-headed at times, loveable, snuggly and good-hearted. Bryson James Simmons, I love you and I am so proud to be your Mommy!
These pictures are precious! I can so identify with your sentiments with Connor turning 10 last week. It's so very hard to see our babies get big and not need us so much anymore.
By the way, I love your Bryson James, too! :) I'm so glad I've gotten to be a part of his life this year.
I loved to re-live our Bryson's 9 years!! So much has happened in his short 9 years. So glad you posted all these pictures. Makes me sad to think of all the good times his "grand-Mama" has missed. But you know she enjoyed every minute she spent with him. Just like we do, and hope we do for many years to come. Want him to remember us all his life. I know Grand-parents are so special, altho don't remember one of my grand-daddies at all, and not much of the other, but I do my grand-mothers!
Love you Bryson, as well as all of you!
I remember Drew telling me that you did not want me to see Bryson right after he was born but then in a couple of days you told me to come on up. He was precious and not nearly as bad as your mind was telling you. My favorite picture was of him sleeping in my arms. I wish also that your Mother was still alive and enjoying him. She did love him so much. You and Drew have a beautiful family Jana, protect them, love them, and always so your love openly and proudly. It's the little things that mean so much and that you and they will remember a lifetime.
I Love you all,
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