Summer is in full swing and we have been doing a lot of this. We go to the pool or water park at least 2-3 times a week. The boys are doing great at swimming and Addie is starting to jump in if I will catch her. It takes her a while to warm up, but once she does she goes full-force.

I have caught myself counting down how many weeks until we have to go back to work~ four. It is going by way too fast. I am not ready for the school year to start. I know summer has to eventually come to an end, but not yet. I am going to enjoy my last four weeks!

We will swim some more. We will hang out and have fun. We will play some more baseball. We will do all we can to enjoy the time we have left before we have to get back to regular bed times and strict schedules.

Around here we love summer time and will enjoy it for as long as we can!
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