Sunday, November 28, 2010

Not Really Sure How to Title This One!

Clearly I am not very good at keeping up with my blog. I have great intentions, then they go away! I am on Facebook a lot, so that has taken up a lot of my blogging time. I will try to do better. Now for a funny little story. You may think it is TMI, so consider this your warning! :0)

This morning Addie was calling me from the bathroom. I knew she wanted me to wipe her butt. She usually does it herself, but there are times when she feels like she needs a little assistance. I did the deed and she jumped off the potty. She looked down and said, "That's a big family." I replied, "Addison, that is NOT a family." She looked up at me and said, "Yes, it is. It is the Poop Family." Then I sent the Poop Family on their merry way!


Dad said...

More children stories please, I do not do facebook.
Love you,

Pily said...

I also had some sort of attachment to poop when I was little. There's got to be some sort of complex there...