This is my first post in the new year. I don't have/find time to blog much lately. Our life is not that exciting anyway. I am in the middle of training for the Cowtown Marathon. I never in my life thought I would ever say that. I thought all marathon runners were a little (a lot) crazy. Now, I am one of them. I am not, however, taking it to the extreme. We are not on a strict training schedule. We decided before even signing up that we just couldn't do that to ourselves and to our families. We agreed that if we need to walk some during the marathon that we wouldn't beat ourselves up about it. Walking does not equal failure. Failure would be not even trying. Completing the race will be our success.
I have been dealing with a nagging knee issue, though. It stays swollen most of the time and is painful to walk and run. There is nothing I can do about it besides not running or having surgery and neither of those things are going to happen. So, I just forge forward and try not to let it get me down. I may have to buy ibuprofen by the case at Sam's, though! I am planning on getting it looked at eventually if it doesn't go away on it's own after we stop running so much. After the marathon, I may take some time off and just walk or cross train. We'll see. Since the end of August we have only taken two Saturdays off from running. Two. Since October we have run atleast 20 miles a week. Maybe that is why my knee hurts! I never considered myself a runner, but not I am beginning to think I am. Who would have thought?!?
Bryson has his first basketball game this weekend. Drew is coaching him. I think that is so neat and hopefully Bryson will have some fond memories of his daddy coaching him. I can't wait to see them both in action! Bryson is doing well in sixth grade. He is will Drew most of the time and I hardly ever see him. He is almost as tall as I am and finally weighs over 100 pounds. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was a tiny, less than seven pound baby? Oh my goodness, how time is flying by.
Jackson is half-way through second grade! I can't believe it! He remains the sweetest little thing. The other day he wrote, "I am the luckiest boy," on my iPad. I asked him why he was so lucky. He said, "Because I have the best mom in the world." He is just so sweet. He holds the door open for me and almost always says "Yes, ma'am" and "No, ma'am."
Addison is as animated as ever. She is happy most of the time and knows how to make me laugh. Her little personality is just blossoming and she is one of a kind! She loves her "Lady's Day" and enjoys hanging out with me and Drew. She still watches Sesame Street and LOVES to play with her apps on my iPad. I can't wait to see her start school in the fall. She is going to do so great!
Drew is as great as ever. We are working on getting some things squared away so we can have a little more financial freedom in the coming years. Paying off bills is a lot like going on a diet. It takes time and preseverence to make it through. I am hopeful that we are moving in the right direction.
We had a great Christmas break. This was the first year we didn't go up to Oklahoma. I missed it but just wanted to stay home this year. I have been very emotional lately and just didn't want to have to deal with all the memories I have up there. My feelings have been very raw and being up there just seems to make them worse right now. We are hoping to go back up there over Spring Break.
I am still teaching a boot camp class after school two days a week and I am still enjoying it. I am hopeful that the people who are coming are getting something out of the class. I really enjoy working with adults and hope that I can teach them something. Could this lead to something else? Who knows! I am open to all possibilities!
That's about all! The weeks are moving fast! I am looking forward to the second half of the school year and especially looking forward to my time off in the summer!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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