I haven't posted in almost a month! We are staying busy with work and now soccer. Jackson started soccer a few weeks ago and had his first game last Saturday. I know I am his mother, but I must say that that boy is GOOD at soccer! He played defense, forward and goalie. He even scored a goal. He plays soccer at recess all the time, so I guess he has picked up his skills there. It surely isn't from me and Drew! Seriously, though, he is very athletic. Hopefully he gets some of that from us! He is just one of this kids who is naturally coordinated and athletic. He will probably be able to pick up skills for any sport he tries to play. In PE we have been playing some tennis games and he is very good at that, especially for a seven year-old. There are kids who are 12 who aren't as coordinated as he is. What I like most about watching him play is the pure joy and excitement he gets from playing. His face just lights up when he is on the field. He is gracious when he does something well and seems to take it in stride when things don't go his way. He is such a joy to have as a son and I look forward to the next seven weeks of soccer season! This summer he will play baseball! That will be fun, too!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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