Today I am home with Addison because she has strep throat again. This is the third time she has had it this school year. I have never missed this much work (Unless you count being on maternity leave~ which I'm not!). I stayed home with her on Tuesday, also, and Drew stayed home with her yesterday. On Tuesday we just laid around and watched WAY TOO MUCH tv. Way. Too. Much. I didn't want to do that today, so I have been cooking (yes, ME, cooking), cleaning, washing, baking and maybe watching just a little tv. She has helped some in the kitchen and has watched her fair share of Nickjr.
It's funny, when I'm at work I want to be at home and when I am at home all I can think about is being at work. Weird, I know. I am not one of those people who can just take off work for no reason except just to have a day off. I was taught that you only take off from work if your HAVE to, not if you just WANT to. This year I have missed for jury duty and to stay home with Addison who has been sick at least three times since August. I am hopeful that her body is just trying to built up some immunity this first year in school and she will be healthy from here on out. A mama can hope, right!
I am thankful for my job and having people at work who will help me out when I need to be gone. It is nice to know that someone has your back when you have to be gone. I may think about work when I'm at home, but I don't worry about work. There is a difference.
This is a pretty boring post, but I am determined to blog more this year and this just happens to be what is going on right now!
Five weeks until marathon Sunday! We are still training, but I am looking forward to "retiring" from the long races. My knee will thank me!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Very well written! It's strange how we can look back at a death so long ago and instantly be swept up in the exact same emotion from that day. I find myself doing that with Tim's death. You are a stong lady and the death of your sister and mother have helped form you into the wife, mom and loving person that you are.
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