Sunday I ran in the Cowtown marathon. I felt ready. Although I have had some nagging injuries, I felt pretty confident I could beat last year's time. The weather was perfect~ low 40's with a high in the 60's. The wind was light at the start and picked up toward the end, but it was at our backs by then.
The first half was comfortable and quite enjoyable. My knees and back weren't too troublesome. By mile 15 or so the nerve in my back kicked into high gear and wouldn't let up. My right knee was screaming with each step. I was miserable, but determined to finish. We ate and drank along the way while taking short walk breaks. The crowd was fantastic and so supportive. the atmosphere at a race is incredible.
Around mile 18 I was ready to quit. If Drew would have been there at that moment I may have just walked off. I was hurting so badly. It was eye-crossing pain. One of the spectators had a sign that read, "This is easier than giving birth." I told him that was a lie!
Once we reached mile 20 I knew I would finish, but it wouldn't be pretty. I had given up hope of beating my time at this point and just wanted to be done. We started running for 5 minutes and walking for 2 minutes. It gave me something to look forward to. I was living for those 2 minute walk breaks! I knew it was going to be pure determination and will that would get me across that finish line. When we finally reached mile 25, I just couldn't run anymore. My back was so tight, my hips we locking up and my knees, oh my knees, felt like the bones were just rubbing together.
When I saw the turn that led to the finish line I knew I had to run. I always tell the kids at school to never walk across the finish line. Always finish strong. I ran with whatever I had left and I made it! It hurt like hell, but I made it.
As soon as I crossed the finish line Pily was there to meet us. I saw my awesome family who followed us all along the way and I just became so emotional. My throat started closing up and I needed oxygen! I kept walking, took some deep breaths and got myself together. My finisher medal was placed around my neck and I went inside to get something to eat. My stomach had been growling for at least 5 miles. I was so hungry!
We met up with Drew, dad and the kids and Nancy's family and got our finisher shirt. I kept saying, "I just want to go home." I wanted out of there. I was miserable and needed to leave. Thankfully Drew had the forethought to park close by.
We said goodbye to Dad and Nancy and headed to the car. That's when I was overcome with emotion. I started to cry and kept saying how bad I hurt. I know my kids were concerned, but I just couldn't hold it in any longer. The pride of finishing, the pain, the disappointment of not beating my time, the fatigue all came pouring out. I couldn't control it. I'm telling you, it was ugly! I'm not too proud to admit it. This is such an emotional experience for me. I climbed into the car. That was ugly, too! I could barely pick my feet up off the ground. I didn't know how I was ever going to get OUT of the car!
Once we got home Drew had to help me out. My knee felt like bone on bone when I stood. I really thought it was broken. The pain, oh the pain, was almost unbearable. I hobbled to the tub to soak in Epsom salt not caring if I got stuck in there. I managed to get in and sat for a while. I also managed to get out without causing more bodily harm.
I ate some sushi (This has become my post-run meal of choice.) and took the cocktail of meds Drew gave me. I didn't even ask what it was until later. I won't go into what I took, but it didn't even touch the pain until the second dose about 4 hours later.
I was finally able to sleep for a couple of hours. I woke up to the sound of my stomach growling. I ate some dinner and went back to sleep for the night. I woke up the next morning still sore, still disappointed, but ready to face the day.
I will blog about that later. This is more than enough for now!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
You are amazing! And always make me cry!! Love you!
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