Sunday, March 1, 2009


Watch out! I don't look when I am hitting!

Yeah, baby! I can hit the ball!

Three little monkeys!

Young at heart!

We went to the playground at the school by our house today. The boys wanted to hit some golf balls. (Jackson actually said he wanted to play "hockey," but we finally figured out that he meant golf.) The hit balls and Addison played on the playground. She is such a big girl now~ she doesn't need/want my help for anything. She even knows how to put her legs out and pull them back in on the swing to make it go. When did she grow up? Where is my baby?

I had to get in on the action, too. Surprising to me, I was afraid to let go of the bar when I was hanging upside down! I used to flip all around on the bars when I was (a lot) younger~ now I am too afraid to let go!

This was our first weekend in a month that everyone felt good. Jackson and Addison still have runny/snotty noses, but other than that we were all well. Praise the Lord!

Friday night we ate leftovers and the kids watched TV in our room.

Saturday I was able to go to the gym for a couple of hours and have some (much needed) alone time. Then we went to Bryson's basketball game. Saturday night Ashley came over to watch the kids so Drew and I could have a (again, much needed) date night. We went to the Melting Pot and had a fondue dinner. It was so yummy. I meant to take my camera, but I forgot. We took advantage of our time alone and had the four-course meal~ cheese, salad, entree, and (the best part) dessert. We were satisfyingly (is that a word?) stuffed. It was nice to get away and the kids enjoyed spending time with Ashley. Thanks again, Ashley!

This morning we were able to go to church for the first time in a month. We had a good time. Drew even signed up to go to a men's conference next weekend. I'm sure he will get something great out of it! I encouraged him to go and excited (surprised) that he agreed!

As I am typing, Drew is in the kitchen making breakfast for dinner! I am ready to eat and wind down after a great weekend. Here's hoping this week will be just as good!


Katie said...

Yay Jana! I'm glad you had such a great weekend with your family & your sweet hubby. Nice job on the monkey bars too. That pic is hilarious!! I love it!!!!

Laura said...

I am glad that ya'll finally had a healthy and fun weekend!

Stefanie said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all! I'm glad you guys are all healthy now...or at least close!

Anonymous said...

As usual enjoyed seeing the pictures. Not much going on here, but staying cold! We do have an electric blanket we brought from home so stay warm at night! Freda is feeling a little better each day, but a long way to go. I'm glad we can be of a little help, even seems I don't do much. I got out yesterday and went to the Krum library and got some movies but didn't get to watch them yet. Was able to get us a card, my not ever need it again, but no cost!!!!
Terry's gout is in his arm and back in his feet, and isn't feeling well at all. Maybe we can go home Thurs or Fri. I miss home!!!! Not that I mind being a little help, but no place like home!
Will be thinking of Bryson today, during his test!!!
Love you all,