Sunday, March 8, 2009

We like to party!

Jackson was so excited to go to Olivia's party on Saturday. He and Olivia are special friends. They were at Miss Linda's together for a couple of years and developed a great friendship. They love each other so much and even say they are "married." She is in kindergarten this year, so they don't get to see each other every day, but Jackson still speaks of her often. Her eyes lit up when she saw Jackson walk into Let's Jump. When she was opening her presents, she had to stop when she got to Jackson's so she could give him a hug. She didn't do this for any one else. He thinks she is pretty special. Oh, to be young and in "love!"

Jackson sat at the "girl" table just so he could sit by Olivia. He was the only boy sitting at that table. He didn't care as long as he was by her. He didn't even mind that she kept putting her horse on his head. He was enjoying the attention!

He has such a yummy, sweet little smile. I had a great time hanging out with just him for a few hours on Saturday.

On Sunday, Jackson and Addison were invited to a party for another friend at Miss Linda's. This is Kade. He is not the birthday boy, but he is another friend at Miss Linda's. All the kids at her house treat each other like brothers and sisters. It is so much fun that they get to form relationships like that when they are young. Jackson is going to miss his friends when he goes to school next year.

Kade, Jackson and Nicholas. Nicholas turned four and had his party at Let's Jump. Jackson enjoyed jumping and sliding, Addison did not! I held her most of the time. She enjoyed the cake, though!

Saturday night we went to Gram and Papa's house. Drew's Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Waylon were in town. We haven't seen them in a while. Addison got to hang out with Uncle David for a while, also. She loves her Uncle David. (David is Drew's older brother.)

MeMe and Addison are special friends, also. She got so excited when I told her we were going to go see MeMe! (MeMe is Drew's grandmother.)

Jarrett, Jonathan, Bryson and Jackson. While we were at Cheryl's (Gram's), the boys played Star Wars outside. They played until well past dark. I think the only time they came in was to eat or use the restroom. They love playing together.

Uncle Waylon, Aunt Jeanie, Jonathan, Jackson, Jarrett, Bryson, Addison and Drew. It was great getting to visit with them. We hope to see them again soon.

Guess who made this? That's right, I did! You all know that I hate to cook, but I enjoy baking. On Saturday I was looking through a magazine and saw this yummy chocolate cake. We needed to take a dessert to Cheryl's on Saturday night, so I decided to try to make the cake. It was an almond cake with chocolate frosting with flowers made out of m&ms and almond slices. It was three layers had a cup and a half of almonds ground up in the cake. It looked a little nicer in the magazine, of course, but it tasted yummy.
Before Olivia's party Jackson and I headed to Target to purchase some things we needed for the cake. I even had to buy three round cake pans. (When we moved a couple of years ago, I accidentally left all our baking pans at the old house. I haven't needed any until now! That is proof of how little time I spend in the kitchen!) After I bought everything I needed, this cake cost me about $40! It turned out very good and I was quite proud of it. I won't even tell you how many sticks of butter were in that thing! I can feel my arteries clogging up just thinking about it! I am going to keep the recipie and make it again if I ever need to take a dessert some place. It shouldn't cost so much the next time since I will already have the pans! We didn't bring any of it home. MeMe took it home with her to share with her friends. I hope none of them have a heart attack in the next day or so, because I will feel like it was all my fault!
Right now we are waiting on Addison to wake up from her nap so we can go to the park. It is such a beautiful day and we have another hour of sunlight to enjoy it!


Katie said...

I am super impressed by the cake - it is beautiful!!! I want the recipe. I like almonds...and butter. ;)

Laura said...

impressive! sounds like ya'll had a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Tell Jackson Olivia is such a cute girl, and I'm sure I would love her if Jackson does!!!!!
Can't wait till this week-end!!!!!
So good to talk to Bryson and Jackson last night!!! Won't be long till Addie will want to talk to me also!!!!!! ( over the phone)

Love You All!!

Anonymous said...

Tell Jackson Olivia is such a cute girl, and I'm sure I would love her if Jackson does!!!!!
Can't wait till this week-end!!!!!
So good to talk to Bryson and Jackson last night!!! Won't be long till Addie will want to talk to me also!!!!!! ( over the phone)

Love You All!!