I debated blogging about this over and over, but finally decided that it might be of help to someone. I read personal blogs all the time about people's struggles with infertility, miscarriage and loss of babies and family members. Those blogs are so helpful to some readers. The people who find them too personal or offensive don't HAVE to read them. So, I decided to post about the procedure I had done yesterday and I will just try to keep it as clean and informative as possible. I also wanted to dispel some of the myths that I had some kind of cosmetic procedure performed! No, I didn't have anything lifted, tucked, sucked or enhanced! Although those are things I have DREAMED about doing, I don't think Drew would ever approve!
I have been wanting to have this procedure done for a while, but didn't know if I could. I haven't had any real problems so I didn't think I would qualify. I talked to my doctor when I went for my annual exam and she said she would see if my insurance would cover it. She said she would have to use the Thermachoice procedure since I had had the Essure procedure done after Addison was born. Her nurse called me the next day and said they would cover it, so we just needed to set a date. I wanted to get it done before school starts, so we found a time that worked for us.
It was a little tricky setting a date because the doctor has to do it between days 5 and 12 of your cycle and my doctor only performs them on Tuesdays. The particular day that would work (July 28th) was also the day that Drew was scheduled to attend a mandatory workshop. The next date that would work (August 25th) would be the second day of school. So, I chose July 28th and just decided to ask for help since Drew would be unavailable. He didn't really like the thought of him not being there, but he was okay with it once I said I would let people help me out. Drew's mom also had a workshop to go to that day, so I was really going to have to step out of my comfort zone and ask people I don't usually do. I just HATE to ask for help. I LOVE to help others out, but I don't like to ask for it. Why? I don't know. That's just the way I am. I asked my friend Laura (who was also Bryson's kindergarten teacher) if she would watch the kids for me. My sister-in-law Kelly said she would drive me there and back.
My papers came in the mail along with a prescription I needed to have filled. One of the prescriptions was for phenergen. I don't know about many things drug-related, but I do know that phenergen is for nausea. If you know me at all, you know that I HATE to throw up! I mean, no one LIKES to throw up, but I am literally AFRAID of throwing up! If I would have had any vomiting when I was pregnant with Bryson, he would have been an only child. I am serious. That is how much it scares me. I could tell you stories about ways I have avoided people who were sick, but I won't! Maybe that will be another blog for another time! I digress. There was also a prescription for hydrocodone and misoprostol. The instructions said I needed to start taking 800 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours for 24 hours before the time of my procedure. I am a rule follower, so I followed my directions precisely.
The night before the procedure I started getting very nervous. I thought about how I am ELECTING to do this. I thought about how it seemed so final. I would NEVER be able to carry another baby~ ever. Not that we WANT any more. It just seemed so FINAL. I went back and forth about cancelling the procedure. (I second guess just about every decision I make anyway!) I was talking to Drew about this when my phone rang. It was the anesthesiologist. She walked me through the procedure and let me ask any questions I had. This was comforting to me and helped me confirm my original decision to have it done. I also told her about my fear of throwing up and she advised me to take a Dramanine an hour before the procedure. This was a comfort to me as well. Yes, I know I am weird!
The next morning Kelly came to get me, Laura arrived to watch the kids and off we went. Kelly went back to the room with me and we talked about very important things like hair styles and iphones until it was time to go. I went into the procedure room and the anesthesiologist started my iv. She gave me the "margarita" and then the medicine to make me sleep. That is the last thing I remember until I started waking up. I woke up rather quickly, it seemed, and they helped me into a wheelchair. I was taken back to the room Kelly was in and sat in the wheelchair until I could get dressed. This only took maybe 10-15 minutes. They wheeled me to the car and we left. I was starting to feel crampy, but it wasn't too bad. I told Kelly that when we got home I was going to go straight to bed. She planned to stay with me until Drew got home. Laura left and I went to bed.
The cramping got worse, but I didn't want to take the hydrocodone. I thought it would make me sick. I would rather be in pain than take the chance of throwing up! Crazy, I know. You don't have to tell me! :0) I took 800 mg of ibuprofen and thought that would work. Uh, no so much! I could not get comfortable. I was in PAIN. On a scale from 1-10 it was a 6-7. I tried so many different positions: I sat on the bed, sat on the floor, sat on my exercise ball, I lay in a fetal position, lay flat, put pillows on my stomach. Nothing worked. The minutes ticked by slowly, very slowly.
Finally, Drew go home. Just hearing him there was a comfort to me. He walked Kelly out and made sure the kids were okay then he came to check on me. He saw how much pain I was in and INSISTED I take one of the pain pills. I finally agreed. In about 30 minutes I had NO pain and wasn't nauseous. Was I stupid, or what??? I suffered for over TWO HOURS because I was afraid I MIGHT throw up! I have problems! Once I was comfortable I ate a little bit and even drank some Coke Zero. I have continued to take a hydrocodone every 6 hours since then. I haven't had any pain and have slept quite well. I feel good and should be back to normal by tomorrow.
Drew's mom and grandmother are here today to watch the kids for me. I think I would be fine, but I am going to let someone help me out. That is a real stretch for me, but I am going to do it.
I am so thankful I have people to call on when I need help. Thanks, Laura, Kelly, Cheryl and MeMe for stepping in to help me out! I really appreciate ALL of you and love you very much!
I hope this post will help someone out who is trying to decide whether or not to have an ablation. I will let you know if it worked. My hopes are high!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I know what you mean about the fear of throwing up with the hydrocodone. I toughed it out for almost 2 days until I gave in from the pain. andddd well i didnt throw up but I felt nauseous the whole time. sometimes i regret taking it haha. but I'm glad you didnt throw up because I know how much you dislike even the word : )
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