Addison LOVES to play with her brothers and LOVES to play Legos. When she fits some together she will run to us and say, "Look I made!" She is always so proud of her creations! For her birthday I got her a wagon with Duplo blocks. It only came with 20 pieces, so I bought a pack with 80 pieces with some of her birthday money. Well, she LOVES them. I knew she would. When the boys were gone the other day she and I played blocks for a while. She kept wanting to make guns (Can you tell she has two older brothers?). I talked her into making houses with flower trees. She liked this, too.

Here is one of our creations. Not bad for two girls, huh?!

When the boys got home they had to get in on the action. Even boys like to play with big, chunky, pretty blocks!

Today I decided to finally paint our bedroom. I have been talking about painting it for a couple of weeks, but something has come up each time I wanted to paint. I woke up this morning and decided that today would definitely be the day once and for all. I started about 10:30 this morning and finished about 7:30 this evening. I only stopped once to eat lunch. (Well, lunch was around 4:00 for me!) I didn't even stop to eat the yummy hamburgers Drew made for dinner. I will have a left-over one tomorrow, though! I need to get some things to go on the walls, but I am pleased with the color. It is the same color that is in about 1/2 of the rest of the house. We over-bought paint back in the fall when we started painting the house and I decided to use the rest of it to paint our bedroom. It is just a neutral
goldish color, so I thought it would be fine. I think it looks good. Now I just need someone to help me decorate it!

When I was painting Addison came in and said, "Oh, Mommy, look you made!" I think she liked it, too.

This is our bathroom. I painted it a couple of weeks ago. Again, I used some paint I had left over from painting the kitchen. This color is called Mission Tile. It is kind of a rusty red. I like it. I need some decorations in here, too!

All I have left to paint is
Bryson's room and the kids' bathroom. I plan on painting those two rooms some time before we go back to work. Then, our house will be completely painted on the inside. (Except for the utility room. Let's not get crazy!) Right now, I am going to go take a nice, warm, relaxing bath! I am beat!
WOW!!!! It looks GREAT! You can come and paint my bedroom anytime!
You don't need help decorating, maybe monitarily but not talent wise. Looks great.
I Love you all.
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