I have proven, once and for all, that I cannot be trusted. After Halloween I separated the "kid" candy from the chocolate "Mommy" candy. I told myself I could have one or two small pieces whenever I had a craving I couldn't ignore. That lasted about a day, maybe less. I decided that if I froze it I wouldn't be as likely to want it. I still wanted it. I wanted it even worse than when it wasn't frozen. I tried to tell myself that one or two pieces every once in a while wouldn't hurt anything. Once again, I was WRONG! One or two pieces turned into three or four pieces EVERY night. I couldn't stop myself. Well, I didn't really try very hard to stop myself. So, tonight, while Drew and the boys are gone, I did the UNTHINKABLE. I. Threw. Away. The. Candy. The WHOLE gallon bag. Gone. In the trash. I almost put it in the deep freezer in the garage, but I knew that wouldn't keep me out of it. So, there. I did it. It is out of my freezer and out of my house. (Technically, it is still in the garage, but I would have to be really sick to dig it out of the trash can. I do have standards.) Starting right now, not tomorrow right NOW, I am going to try to kick this sugar/chocolate habit for good. If you see me crying, just know it's all about the chocolate.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Ugh. I'm addicted to sugar, too. I need some of your will power!!
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