I don't really have much to say, but I know my grandparents look forward to reading my blog posts so I will just start typing and see what comes out of my head (er, hands). (I think that is a serious run-on sentence, but I don't really care to fix it! My high school English teachers would shudder! Shoot, Drew teaches English. He is probably shuddering too!)
Saturday two friends from work, Katie and Laura, came over for dinner. Drew said he would cook for us. He made boneless ribs and chicken, salad, potato salad, asparagus, rolls (He didn't actually make those.) and cheesecake (He didn't make that, either). It was so good and I really enjoyed hanging out with them outside of work although we mostly talked about work! I hope we get to do it again soon. We really enjoy having people over and Drew likes to cook for our company, so it works out nicely! I must say that he is such a great husband/friend and I really don't tell him enough how much I appreciate his care and attention.
Sunday I was able to go to lunch with some friends from our Sunday School class. We went to Carrabba's and the food was so yummy. I really enjoy hanging out with them, too, we just don't get the chance very often. Jaclyn will be moving soon and I am really sad that we didn't get to know each other better.
Sunday evening we had an appointment to have family pictures taken. The last time we had family pictures taken was about two years ago. Addison was about five months old at the time so I wanted some newer ones. Of course, she was in no mood to take pictures and she refused to smile in most of them. Oh, well. We will remind her one day about what a little toot she was and we will be able to laugh at her sullen face. That was not something I was willing to even worry about. At least she wasn't screaming!
This week at school I am teaching one of my all-time favorite games~ Ultimate Ping Pong. I only teach it to the 3rd-5th graders. The younger ones just aren't developmentally ready to play it. I have been taking the little ones outside to play with the parachute. Both of these things are a lot of fun, so the week is going by quickly. I am so thankful for the wonderful weather that allows me to be outside at least part of the day.
The big count down to Thanksgiving has begun. (It actually began about 2 months ago!) I am really looking forward to some much-needed rest and some time in the country. I love going up to my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. It is my most favorite place in the whole world. (Yes, it's true that I haven't been to many places in the whole world, but I'm sure if I would have been to many places in the whole world Oklahoma would still be my favorite!)
Football season is over for Drew. Well, he still has to scout for the high school his middle school feeds into, but for the most part it is finished. I didn't think I would survive this season. I don't know how high school coaches' wives do it. They live football. Drew doesn't live it but the schedule dictates that he is gone most nights. So, I am glad it's over, but now basketball season begins. At least it's not as time-consuming. Silver lining, people, silver lining.
If you are still with me, bless your heart. I owe you something! Maybe you could come over to hang out and Drew could cook you dinner! For not really having much to say, I really had a lot to say~ a lot but not of much significance! Anyway, thanks for reading and I am sorry you will never get this 5 minutes of your life back! :0)
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Yes, we love to read your blogs, Grandad always ask me if "she" sent a blog? We hate to take up your precious time tho. Thanks for calling, you are very special!
Love You!
I love reading about people's every day lives...that's so fun about blogging.
I hope the pictures turn out well - we definitely have some that we laugh at looking back!
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