I already posted once today, but I need to post again so I don't forget today's events.
Jackson and Addison were invited to a birthday party. I knew the party was today so I didn't need to recheck the invitation. (Yeah, you know where this is going.) The party was scheduled to be right when we would be getting out of church. I decided to take advantage of that and stay home from church today. I even took two Simply Sleeps last night so I could sleep extra late and still make it to the party. I kept Addison and Jackson home with me. We also had tickets to Casa Manana for today to see The Alamo. We decided that Drew would take Bryson and he could ask two friends to go in our places. We had it all planned out.
I should had known things weren't going to go well today when Bryson ran into our room this morning shouting, "Addison has poop in her bed!" If you know Bryson, you know that everything is said in his "911 voice," as we call it. There was poop in her bed, but just a little bit. Nothing to get too excited about. Evidently, she stuck in her thumb and pulled out a plum! Drew cleaned her up and I stripped her bed and put the sheets in the washer. I crawled back in bed to enjoy the rest of my leisurely morning. Drew brought me breakfast, but Addison followed him into our room. Of course, she had to eat part of mine even though she had already eaten.
I finally got up, took a shower and got ready. I needed to go buy a present, so we went to Target. We walked around Target for a little while because we had some time before the party started. We got to the party place and I didn't see the family's car. Maybe I got the time wrong. I knew the party was supposed to start at either 12:15 or 12:30. We drove over to Sonic and got drinks. When we got back to the party place, I still didn't see their car. I went inside to ask what time his party starts and the girl told me it isn't until NEXT Sunday!
Determined to turn lemons into lemonades, I told Addison and Jackson I would go get us something for lunch and we would go to the park for a picnic. Jackson needed a lot of convincing because he was REALLY looking forward to this party and seeing his friend. We went to Dickey's BBQ. Since Addison is wearing panties now, I didn't want to take her to the park without taking her to the restroom first. We went inside the restaurant so we could use the restroom. Then we went through the drive-thru because the line inside was so long. I ordered their food and off we went to the park.
I didn't have a blanket or even a towel to sit on, so we just sat on the grass. When I opened our bag from Dickey's I realized they got the order wrong. They didn't give us napkins or silverware either. Cole slaw, Mac 'n' Cheese, BBQ sauce, a 2 year-old and a 5 year-old without napkins or silverware on a windy day is not a good combination. I didn't complain about it. I just told Addie and Jack to do the best they could. If they needed to wipe their hands, I told them to use their shirts. They thought that was pretty cool. Usually I am griping at them for using their shirts!
We ate, quickly, and went to play. I made Jackson wear shorts today because the party was going to be inside at one of those jump places. I didn't want him to get too hot. Addison didn't have a jacket and wore capri pants. Jackson let me know many times how cold his legs were when we were at the park! I just told them to run and play hard and they would stay warm. I had on capri pants and a short sleeve shirt, so I was cold too. We played for about an hour and headed home to let Addison take a nap. When we pulled up in the driveway Addison said, "Hey Mom, you forgot to take us to the party." She was probably confused the whole time we were at the park!
Of course, I forgot to put her sheets in the dryer before we left so she is asleep in our bed. Drew and Bryson are still gone and I am left here wondering what else could go wrong today! I am just thankful that I declared today a day to look at the positive things in life instead of focusing on the negative. This has been one of those days that I just have to laugh at to keep from getting all bent out of shape. Nothing major went wrong, there were just a lot of little things that could have piled up if I hadn't been in the right state of mind. Hopefully tomorrow will run a little more smoothly!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
Into every life a little raim must fall. Ok, your's was more than a little but I would give anything to have a day at the park with my girls. If the biggest nuisance was no napkins and cold weather, it was a pretty good day. You will look back on this day and wish you would have spent two hours. I love you and miss the times we could have been together. I know it is my fault but I miss those times still the same. Love those kids and don't worry about a little poop or a "911" voice.
I love you.
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