We are out of school today for a SNOW DAY!!! It has snowed over a foot in TEXAS! I have never seen snow like this in my life and it was really fun to get out and play in it. Before we even went in the house after school yesterday we played in the snow. Bryson wanted to have a snowball fight so we did! I even tackled him and tried to bury him in the snow. It would have worked if he wasn't so wiggly. We played for about 45 minutes while Drew was inside cooking dinner. He is not a fan of the snow, so he didn't want to play.

After getting beat so bad yesterday,
Bryson and Jackson hid in Jackson's room and worked on their snowball fight strategy for today. He asked me what my plan was and I told him I didn't need a plan to win against the two of them.

We got all bundled up this morning and set out to play. I thought it would be fun to use the shovel to pile up a lot of snow. Well, let me just say, that is hard work! Our pile wasn't nearly as big as I had envisioned. In fact, it seems quite small when I look at the pictures of it. I used a small shovel to dig a tunnel through it.
Bryson thought that was pretty neat. Jackson and Addison had gone in by that point. Jackson was crying because his hands were cold and Addison barely stepped foot in the snow today. It was so deep, I think it kind of scared her!
Bryson and I stayed out by ourselves for a while and played.

Bryson in the tunnel.

I thought it would be fun to see how big I could make a snowball. I began rolling the snow around the driveway and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. I rolled up the driveway and down the driveway. I'm sure the neighbors thought I had lost my mind! It grew to 3-3 and 1/2 feet before it got too heavy to move. I made a few more and
Bryson made one. This turned out to be a great workout. I was really working up a sweat! We were pretty proud of our snowballs and each took turns getting our picture taken while sitting on top of the first one.
After an hour or so, we went inside to warm up. Drew had made biscuits and gravy and sausage. He also cut up some fresh fruit. We had a great morning playing and eating.
Bryson liked having me all to himself, too. The boys have since gone back out to play again and the head has fallen off our snowman. The snow is starting to melt and drip off the house. This has been a fun day and we may never see snow like this again in Texas. We definitely tried to make the most of it!

Addison bundled up ready to play. She barely moved from that spot before she was ready to go in.

Me throwing snowballs at the boys on Thursday.

Our house Thursday afternoon. It snowed several more inches after this was taken.
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