I thought it would be fun/depressing/interesting to blog about a typical day in my life. Here goes:
4:00 Alarm goes off and I talk myself into getting up. Yes, I have to talk myself into it about 95% of the time. It doesn't come naturally to me. Put on my workout clothes, wash my face, put in my contacts and brush my teeth.
4:15-4:20 Arrive at the gym and talk myself into actually going in and not turn around and go home.
4:20-5:30 Work out. Usually this is alongside a friend who is great motivation. Hi, Nancy!
5:40-5:45 Arrive home and jump in the shower.
5:45-6:45 Get showered, dressed, make-up on, fix Addison's hair (Drew takes care of everything else before he leaves. Thanks, Sweetie!), grab something for breakfast.
6:45 Get in the car and drive to work. Usually I have to drop Addison off at Miss Linda's, but not during track season! Drew doesn't have to be at school as early as he does during football and basketball seasons, so I LOVE track season!
7:15-7:20 Arrive at work.
7:20-3:45 Work. I teach K-5th grade Physical Education. I only sit down at lunch and during my conference period, so I am worn out by the end of the day! Some days we have staff meetings after school, so I leave a little later on those days. We had one today, but we were finished by 4:00. Thanks, Mick!
4:00 Drive to Miss Linda's to get Addison
4:15-4:30 Walk in to discover Addison is still napping, gently try to wake her up, console her because I am not Daddy, convince her that she will live if Daddy is not there to pick her up today.
4:30-5:00 Drive home.
5:00-5:30 Put something on for dinner, play with the kids outside and enjoy the nice weather.
When Drew is home he cooks dinner. Tonight he is at a track meet, so dinner was up to me. Mondays and Thursdays are track meets, so I don't like those evenings very much!
5:30 Finish dinner while the boys are taking a bath.
5:30-6:00 Eat dinner and clean up the kitchen. The boys are responsible for putting their dishes in the dishwasher and sweeping the kitchen floor.
6:00-6:15 Take a bath with Addison while Jackson reads his book to me three times. I also answer any questions Bryson has with his homework.
6:15-8:00 Take care of anything else that needs to be done. Play with the kids, read books, straighten up, do laundry, blog, etc.
8:00 Put kids in bed and fall into my own bed, exhausted, and try to find the energy to face another day.
I get tired just thinking about it! I know that it won't always be this busy. I know it will get easier as the kids get older. I also know that one day I will miss days like this.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
My Dear Daughter,
Time is moving faster than you can imagine. The time will be here faster than you know when the boys are gone off someplace to school and you are facing Addie being gone in two years. She will put her friends before her parents as far as priorities and you will feel lonely and alone. You will long for these days and wish she was small again. Then she will leave for school and it will be just you and Drew, alone, empty nesters, and then you will realize that isn't a bad life either.
Enjoy the time.
Love you all,
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