We had such a great spring break this year. I don't want it to end! We still have two days left, so I will squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of it that I can.
We went up to Oklahoma for a few days and are now at home for the rest of the week. We got to see my grandparents, my uncle, a couple of aunts, some cousins and even some of their kids. The boys cried when we left, of course. They hate to leave and already want to know when we are going back. Unfortunately, I don't think we will go back until after school is out. That is only 10 weeks away, though! Yes, I have been counting since, well, before Christmas!
Bryson went to the orthodontist today. His top teeth are very crooked and he has some extra teeth. I have been wondering when we should start looking into braces, so we decided to make an appointment and get started. He is going to have two teeth pulled this Tuesday and will have braces put on the following Wednesday. That was a lot quicker than I had imagined, but we are ready. I am not ready for the bill, but that's part of it.
Jackson ran a slight temperature last night and woke up with a temp of 101.5. We were supposed to meet Drew's brother, Matthew, his wife, Carrie, and their kids for a picnic today, but I had to cancel. Jackson ate dinner last night, breakfast this morning and then ate lunch. Around noon he told me that he threw up last night. He said he made it to the toilet and didn't want to tell us. I told him that getting sick is something he can wake us up for. He said he just got too hot and threw up. He ate dinner tonight, so I think he is okay.
Addison is getting a cold. Her eyes look like she doesn't feel good and she has a very snotty nose. She has been sitting around watching Elmo all day. Hopefully, all will be well by Monday morning.
The weather today was just beautiful and I was a little sad we couldn't go anywhere. I did sit outside in the back yard for a little while and read a magazine, so I got some sun time.
Well, it's back to work on Monday and the big count down begins!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
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