Our family has become way too involved with our electronic devices. We spend so much time with them that we don't spend quality time with each other. We may be in the same room, but we are not relating to each other. SO, I decided that yesterday would be a no TV, computer, video game day. I almost threw in the phone, too, but I'm not crazy~ yet! The boys seemed fine with the plan. It was more difficult than I imagined it would be. We did okay, but hopefully next Tuesday will be better. Yeah, I'm thinking that every Tuesday this summer will be No Electronics Day. We'll see. I'm great at making bold statements then have to back down because it's too hard. (No desserts all summer~ I'll blog about that another day!)
This is how our first No Electronics Day went:
We went to the gym for a while so they could play and I could get a workout in. When we came home I washed my car the the boys played catch. Addison rode her scooter and "helped" me with my car. Then the boys decided they wanted to read. We had just bought some books at Half-Priced Books, so they were excited to read. Bryson read to Addie and Jack and he alternated a girl book then a boy book. They read in the garage while I was finishing my car. It was pretty cute and I wish I would have taken a picture, but I was focused on my car. When we went inside Addie wanted to play dress up. The boys played along and got her dressed in one of her dressed. Then they had a tea party with her. I got my camera this time, but they were already cleaning up. This is the picture at the top. They colored, read books and actually talked to each other. All this before 11:00! We ate lunch and then I told them they had to read or rest. We read for a while and Addison took a nap. Drew came home and I told him about my plan. No, I didn't discuss this with him first and I should have! He played along nicely. I did tell him he could veto the plan at any time. Really, any time would be fine and I'm sure the boys would understand. I asked him a couple more times if he thought he needed to use his veto powers. He said no it was fine. I was kind of disappointed. The boys both had baseball practice that evening, so that kept us busy for a few hours. When we got home and took baths we decided that it would be okay to watch part of the NBA play-offs and let the kids watch 30 minutes of TV. So, we ALMOST made it an entire day. Oh, yeah, I just remembered that I posted a video of Addison on Facebook after dinner, so I guess I screwed it up before that! Well, next Tuesday I will try to do better, but don't blame me if Drew stamps a big VETO on it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
My veto can be over-ruled by a 2/3 congressional vote...
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