We just got home from my grandparents' house in Oklahoma. I absolutely love it there. I spent many summer there when I was a kid. We would fish, swim in the creek and just hang out with my grandparents. We spent most of the day outside playing and exploring. I am so thankful that my kids get to experience some of the same things I did as a kid. Drew loves it up there, also, and makes our time up there that much more special.
When I am there I usually take some time to run or walk. This time was no different. When I run, my route takes me right past the cemetery where my sister and mom are buried. I always think about them when I am out running and it makes me happy to be at a place that made all of us happy. I know they are not at the cemetery, but, for some reason, I am comforted when I see the name "McKay" as I run by.
I really feel at home at my grandparents. I spent some time thinking about that, also. I think I know why. We moved a lot when I was younger, but we always visited "the pond" (as we call it). No matter what turmoil was going on in our lives, the pond always offered comfort and a place to go to forget about all the craziness. It was the one constant in my childhood and it still is. I hate to think about a time in my life that I won't be able to go up there. That time may come, but until then I am going to enjoy as much time there as I can.
This time we were there we went swimming in the creek. Addison is at a fun age right now and is learning to enjoy the creek as much as the boys do. We also spent time fishing at the pond. Drew and I got up at 5 this morning and went out for a few hours together. He took the boys out earlier in the week and did the same thing with them. This is something they will always remember doing with their dad.
We rode the four-wheeler around, also. My granddad has made trails and has named a trail for each of his great grandchildren. He has put up signs with the kids' names on them, too. My kids love to go on their trail and think it's pretty cool to see their sign nailed to a tree!
No matter what we do there, we have fun. Sometimes we play cards, sometimes we don't, but we always have a good time visiting with my grandparents and playing outside. I can't wait until we can go back later in the summer.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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