Tomorrow starts another school year. I have always loved the first day of school. When I was little I had trouble sleeping the night before the first day. Now I just take a little sleep aid to ward off any anxious thoughts! :0) I love the promise a new year brings and I love that the kids are on their best behavior at the beginning of the year.
Bryson will start 5th grade this year and Jackson will be in 1st grade. This will be the last year Bryson is in school with me. I have enjoyed being with him each day and watching him grow as a student. It's not always fun being his PE teacher, but that's a small price to pay to have him at the same school with me.
Addison will be in school in two more years. She so wants to go to school NOW. She knows when she turns 5 she will get to go to school and have her own teacher and a desk. She says she wants to go to ballerina school, so I may need to brush up on some ballerina techniques to teach her in PE in a couple of years! I am so amazed at how fast time is moving. I know it just makes me sound old, but time just seems to go by faster and faster every day!
I didn't do a very good job making the boys read over the summer, so we will see how much they have regressed. I know, I know, I should have MADE them read a little every day, but we were just too busy having fun to stop and read! Judge me if you will, but we thoroughly enjoyed our summer. We may just have to play catch up for a few weeks. It was totally worth it! :0)
We had our No Technology Tuesdays for several weeks until Drew finished summer school. That worked out well. It was harder on me than it was on the kids to stay away from the TV and computer. We played games and actually talked to each other on those days. We even read some. Does that make me a better mom in your eyes? Oh, who am I kidding, you know what kind of mom I am!
This year I am planning on spending less time on the computer after work. I don't know how ofter I will blog. I am planning to clean one room every evening after work so we don't have to spend a couple of hours on Saturday cleaning the house. I will let you know how that goes.
I am going to try to have a better attitude this year than I did last year. I got really down and depressed last year. It lasted for several weeks and I don't want that to happen this year. It is no secret that football season is hard on me. Drew knows this and he tries to make things as easy for me as he can. Football requires a lot of his time and he is gone at least three nights a week. I am basically a single parent most of the time and that is hard. I don't see how my mom managed to raise two girls by herself all those years. I would not wish single parenthood on anyone. It is NOT a fun job. Anyway, I am going to work really hard on my positive attitude and see if I can make it through this year better than I did last year. I barely survived last year. It was BAD.
Hopefully, I will be able to report back in later this week and let you know how wonderfully the first week of school was. Until then, have a great week!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Your Mom did a wonderful job with you and Jamie though I know you were not always in agreement with each other. Single parents are wonderful people when done right.
Love you,
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