So, the first week of school is over. It is always good to get that first week out of the way. We reviewed rules and expectations, practiced some procedures and learned some new games. Now the real work can begin. By Friday, I was EXHAUSTED, though. I was in bed each night before 8:00. I know what you are asking. How do you get everything done at home and get in bed by 8:00? Let's just say that I have an AWESOME husband who does everything within his power to make sure I have very little to take care of during the evenings. The kids are at good ages, too. They help clean up the kitchen after dinner and can help do other things around the house. When they start having homework it will get a little tougher, but we can do it. We just have to work together and I have to not get so worked up about having everything in my house "perfect" all the time. Why, yes, I think I am growing up. Thanks for noticing! :0)
I am back to getting up at 4:00 in the morning to go to the gym. I meet a friend/co-worker there and we work out together every week day. We even take a kickboxing class together on Saturdays. In the next couple of weeks we are going to start training for a half-marathon. We are running in December, so we are going to be on a 12 week training schedule. We run three days a week right now, but we are going to have to make one of our running days a long-run day. Also, right now we run on the treadmill at the gym in the mornings. Running outside is a completely different running experience than running on a treadmill. We are going to run outside on our long-run days. That way we can still run/workout in the mornings, but get some outside running in on the weekends. My goal is just to finish the half-marathon. I am, by no means, trying to compete with anyone but myself.
Football season has started and I am starting the season with a better attitude than I did last year. Hopefully my good attitude will carry me through November. This year it helps that Drew's school starts 30 minutes later than the elementary schools. He is able to take Addison to Miss Linda's in the mornings. This cuts my morning commute almost in half. I am very thankful that he is able to do this for me. It has helped out TREMENDOUSLY!
Those are just a few of my thoughts from this week. I am hoping to update at least once a week now. I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore besides my dad, but that is okay. At least he will know what is going on with us!
Oh, and for those who are counting down with me: only 267 more days until Summer 2011!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I read it! I love your blog! :)
Thanks, Katie!
Of course I read it. We don't always talk about your little things in life over the phone. I love reading the blog. Keep it coming so I don't have to follow up with you.
Love you,
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