I had a great Saturday. I took the kids to the gym with me so I could go to my kickboxing class. Drew had to go give a scouting report, so they couldn't stay with him. That is okay, though, because they love going to the gym! Before I left Drew told me to just relax when we got home. He said he would clean the house. I am not one to disobey :0) so I followed his orders! When he got home he surprised me with a gift certificate for a mani/pedi. He wanted me to go yesterday, but I really didn't even want to leave the house. He started cleaning and I went outside to watch Addison play. We ate lunch and he went to get groceries. Addison went to her room to watch a movie and I went outside to read a magazine. The boys played in their rooms. After dinner (Drew ordered take-out from a Chinese food place.) I plopped down on the couch for some foot-rubbin'! I went to bed early with the help of two Simply Sleeps! What a great day! I wish every Saturday could be like that!
I slept for a little while and then couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night long. I guess my body can't take too much of a good thing!
Today Drew is making brisket. We plan on hanging out around the house all day watching football. I just wish it was a little cooler so it would feel like football season.
I think I mis-counted my "Days until Summer 2011" a couple of weeks ago. I am pretty sure the correct number is 254 as of today. So sorry if I have disappointed anyone! I put a counter on my side bar, but it just shows months, weeks and days. I will occasionally post the number of days in my updates because months just seem so long.
This has turned into a bunch of random thoughts, but I will just keep on going!
One of my good friends had her first baby last Monday. He is just beautiful and I can't wait to watch him grow. Welcome to the world, Baby Jack!
Jackson has learned to ride his bike like a pro. He loves to ride and asks every day if he can go ride his bike. Drew bought them helmets yesterday, so I feel better about their safety. Now we just need to teach them to stay out of the way of cars. They think they own the road and that the cars should move for them.
Tomorrow starts our "official" day of training for our half-marathon. It is really no different than what we have been doing. We are just going to add a long run day to our week. We run in 12 weeks and I hope I am ready! I have never run that far, so I am a little nervous that I won't be able to run the whole thing. That is my goal~ run the whole thing without walking.
I guess that is all for now. I am ready to relax the day away, again!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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