Monday, September 6, 2010

It's Labor Day and I don't feel like "laboring," so I am going to update with bullet points!

  • We finished our second week of school. I had one BAD day, but I am determined to stay out of the funk I let myself get into last year. I pulled my big girl panties on and got over it! Here's hoping I can do that every time I have a bad day.
  • It's a holiday weekend and I am LOVING it!
  • Saturday I went running and didn't feel like I was going to die. The weather was beautiful at 7:30 in the morning and I was able to do 5 miles. Later, I took a nap on the couch while Drew rubbed my feet~ pure bliss! Around 4:00, we went to Drew's mom's house for our second annual Simmons' Back to School Blast. We had fun playing games, eating and hanging out. We stayed until 8:00 or so.
  • Sunday we decided to clean the blinds, window sills and baseboards. Then I painted the baseboards. I did most of them a while back and just finished what I didn't get to before. I also painted our fireplace. It was already white, I just repainted it. It was looking pretty dirty.
  • Today I went running again. It was a little windy, so I didn't run as fast. That's okay, though, I can't be "on" every time I run. I also got on the scale today and found that I have lost 10 pounds since the beginning of July! I have worked really hard at losing weight, so I have been waiting for the -10 pounds mark. I finally made it! I have 10-15 more to go. I am going to try to get it off before we run our half-marathon in December.
  • We took the kids to the park. Addison and I played on the playground while Drew and the boys played baseball. There was another dad and his son playing, so they asked Drew if they wanted to join them.
  • We went to Wal-Mart to get new inner tubes for the boys' bikes. Jackson has learned to ride his without training wheels and did a great job learning to turn around today. Last week (on trash day) he was using the neighbors trash cans to stop! Now he knows how to use his brakes and turn around. There is no stopping him now!
  • Drew is grilling BBQ chicken tonight. I can't wait to eat. I am so HUNGRY! I haven't eaten much today so I can eat A LOT tonight!
  • Addison will try a gymnastic class tomorrow. One of the little girls at Miss Linda's goes to gymnastics and we are going to see if Addison will participate with her there. We are going to a free trial class, so I am not making a commitment yet. She has been talking about and seems excited, but she's three and can change her mind and mood without a moments notice!
  • Drew has his first middle school football game tomorrow. The craziness is about to begin. It doesn't help that I have signed up to lead a running club two days a week at school. I am determined to have a good attitude about working after school this year and not let busyness get me down. I will just have to put things in perspective and realize that most things that seem to go "wrong" really aren't big deals. How's that for being really vague!
  • I have to go look in the oven now, Drew is baking rolls and they smell scrumptious!


Dad said...

Sounds like you had a great day. BBQ chicken and home made rolls, what more could a girl ask for out of life.
Love you,