I always forget how much I NEED a routine until I don't have a routine. Two weeks ago I stayed home from work with Jackson because he didn't feel well. That was on a Monday. Truthfully, I was a little thankful to be able to stay home with him and have a day to lay around in my pj's doing nothing. The next morning I woke up to the sound of sleet hitting our windows. Then we got the call (actually 7 calls) saying that school was closed for the day. So began our FOUR snow days in a row and our WEEK of no routine. The first couple of days were great, but after that I began to CRAVE my routine.
Monday started a new week and I looked forward to getting back to working out first thing in the morning and getting on with my day. This lasted for exactly TWO days. Wednesday morning we got the call, again, that school was cancelled due to some more ice. Seriously? We had just got back to normal. Luckily, this time the ice melted during the day and we were able to go back to school the following morning.
Thursday morning I woke up late (4:45) because the volume was turned off on my phone. It probably happened when Addison was playing with it the night before. I was a little miffed because I missed my morning workout, again. Once I got up I realized that I didn't feel quite right. My throat was hurting and I was getting achey. I asked Drew if he would call the doctor and try to get me an appointment for that day. This is unusual for me, because I haven't been to a doctor due to illness in recent memory. Seriously, it has been at least 4 years since I have been to my primary care physician. So long, in fact, that she is no longer at that office. I don't know where she ended up.
So, Drew found me a new doctor and got me an appointment for 11:00 Thursday morning. By the time I finished filling out the paper work I started feeling feverish. I had already take 2 doses of ibuprofen for the pain in my throat, so it probably kept my temperature down, also. My temperature was only 99.5 when checked, but I know it would have been higher if I hadn't taken the ibuprofen. Sometimes you just know your body~ at least I do. The doctor checked me out and decided to give me a prescription for an antibiotic for a sinus infection. She never tested for strep, but I know I had it. Again, sometimes you just know. I knew the antibiotic would take care of the strep, so I didn't ask for the test. I dropped my prescription off at Sam's and went back to school. I probably shouldn't have gone back, but I didn't want to leave Pam, my EA, alone with my afternoon classes. I just made plans to leave as soon as I could when I was finished with my last class.
I checked the boys out early, picked up my prescription and went home. I took a hot bath, put my pj's on and got in bed. By then I was feeling pretty bad. Drew brought me dinner at some point and I managed to swallow it. It takes A LOT to keep me from eating! Ha Ha! I had planned on taking the antibiotic a few times, getting some rest and going to work the next morning. Usually, I only stay home from work if one of the kids are sick or I have body fluids coming out uncontrollably! Sorry, TMI! A sinus infection and (undiagnosed) strep throat only keeps wimps home from work. WRONG! During the night, I got much worse. My throat began to hurt so bad that it hurt just to breathe. I had a fever most of the night even though I was taking ibuprofen ever 4 hours. My body ached and my skin hurt to the touch. I was miserable. Around 5:30 I dragged myself out of bed to put in for a sub. I knew I just couldn't make it.
I spent all day on Friday in bed. I only got up to eat and use the restroom. Remember, it takes A LOT to keep me from eating! I finally got out of bed around 3:00 to take another bath so I could go pick up Addison. Drew picked up the boys and took them with him to his basketball game. By that time I was beginning to feel better and knew I would live to see another day.
Today is the first day my throat hasn't hurt to swallow. I think I am finally back to "normal" (It's a relative term with me!) and I am looking forward to working 5 full days this week.
I need my routine. I need structure. I enjoy the occasional bonus day off, but I function so much better when I have a routine. Tonight I will set my alarm, and make sure my volume is on, and look forward to getting back to normal in the morning!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I'm glad we mesh so well. I<3U!
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