Stock Show
Pily was in town last weekend, so we took her and the kids to the Stock Show. Her future school is right across the street, so we stopped and took her picture in front of the school's sign. Just a few more months and she will have her "official" white coat! I am super excited for her and super excited that she will just be minutes away from us!
The kids didn't enjoy seeing the animals at the Stock Show because "they stink!" I told them that they stink too, but they didn't see the humor in it. We ended up spending most of our time paying too much money to ride the carnival rides. Yes, I know, this is what they want you to do and we played right into their hands. $4 for a ride is ridiculous, but we paid it anyway. The kids had fun, though, so that's all that matters. No, Drew didn't ride anything. He is afraid of dying on a carnival-type ride, so he just watched. I, on the other hand, love to ride rides! I am hoping one of my kids will want to ride with me when we go to Disney World this summer. I'll feel really stupid riding all by myself!
It snowed/iced here last night so we are off work! I was awake off and on all night. I just couldn't sleep very well. I could here it raining/sleeting and could hear the wind blowing around like crazy. Around 2-3 in the morning, it turned to just sleet. My alarm went off at 4 and I decided not to go to the gym. I didn't want to chance it. No workout is worth the $500 it would cost me for my car insurance deductible. At 4:30 I took a Simply Sleep and prayed for a call from the school district saying school was cancelled. I was so sleepy, but couldn't sleep, so I just took my chances that it would be cancelled and took the pretty blue pill that leads to happy sleepiness! It paid off and I was able to sleep until noonish.
The number of times the district's automated phone system called to say school was cancelled. Once the phones stopped ringing I was able to get some good sleep in.
We are pretty much stuck in our house. Our driveway is rather steep and Drew is afraid we couldn't get back up the driveway if we backed out of the garage. This is fine, but I KNOW that cabin fever will start to rear its ugly little head if this lasts too much longer.
Jackson woke up Monday morning saying he thought he was going to throw up. He is usually pretty honest with us and knows when he is going to be sick, so I stayed home with him. He said he "threw up a little bit," but I never (thank goodness) saw any evidence to confirm this. He stayed in bed most of the morning and spent the rest of the evening watching movies with Addison in her room. By evening, he was just fine. Who knows, maybe he pulled one over on us. I probably won't be so quick to believe him in the future. And, yes, I told him this!
Drew has been home with us today, so he has been cooking. He brought me some yummy breakfast in bed when I was in between sleeping. I ate so much that I told him I couldn't eat anything until dinner. I got hungry around 2:00 and had a couple of oranges, though. He also made a fabulous chocolate cake. After dinner (his wonderful beans and cornbread), I had a piece. And, yes, it was as wonderful and chocolately as I knew it would be! I enjoyed every stinkin' bite!
Super Excited
We found out earlier this evening that school is closed again tomorrow! I know, I know we are going to have to make up these days, but I am going to enjoy every second right now! Snow days are just so exciting for kids and teachers!
I think that is about all the "S" things going on right now! Stay tuned, I'm sure there is more to come in the days ahead!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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