This is a picture of Bryson on his first day of kindergarten. As you can tell, he wasn't too excited to be there. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. We were both new to the school and had so much to learn. Six years have gone by very quickly.
Bryson graduated from 5th grade and from elementary school today. I really didn't expect to get emotional about it. I was SO READY for him to be finished and to move on to middle school. Well, so I thought. I took him outside this morning to take his picture in the same spot as I did almost six years ago. That is when the burning in my nose started. I knew it was going to be an emotionally rough morning from that point on.

I really can't believe it is time for him to leave elementary school. I knew this day would come. I thought I was ready for it, but I'm really not. I keep wondering if I have done a good enough job parenting him to move on to the next phase in his life. I have made SO MANY mistakes. I just hope he can remember the good lessons I have tried to teach and forgive me for the many mistakes I have made. My first baby is growing up and I can't do anything to stop it. All I can do is try to be the best parent I can be and ask for grace and forgiveness when I mess up.
I love you, Bryson James. I am sad to see you leave, but I am excited to watch you grow into a wonderful young man.
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