Addie and I had been waiting for this past Saturday to get here. Finally, it arrived! We had a "Ladies Day" scheduled over a month ago and have been waiting and waiting (patiently, of course) for it to arrive. We had tickets to Casa Manana to see The Wizard of Oz and planned on eating dinner at Zoe's Kitchen. She wanted to throw in a pedicure, also, but I had to put a limit on our "Ladies Day!"
While we were waiting for the show to start she started getting a little restless, so I offered her a Tic Tac. After a couple of minutes of sucking on it she began to choke. She started crying and coughing, so I took her out to calm her down. We went back and enjoyed the show. (By the way, if you have a chance to go see The Wizard of Oz at Casa Manana you have got to go! They did a fantastic job!) Throughout the show she kept apologizing for choking. It was really quite sad.
When we got to Zoe's Kitchen she wanted a bowl of rice pilaf and a bowl of fruit. This is what she always orders when we go there. When our food came she said she was going to eat her rice in small bites, in fact "one piece at a time." She put the first piece of rice in her mouth and chewed it up and started choking. That was it, she wouldn't eat another bite of anything. I told her to drink some water, but she was choking on that, too. I got some to-go boxes and we headed home.
I told Drew what had happened and we tried to get her to eat some dessert pizza the boys had ordered while we were gone. She took one bite and started choking again. By this time we were starting to worry. This wasn't normal. Believe me, that girl doesn't miss a meal! We noticed a fleshy piece sticking up in her throat we had never seen before. After talking about it for several minutes and looking in her throat numerous times, Drew decided to take her to the urgent care clinic.
The doctor examined her and even took some x-rays to make sure there wasn't a foreign body stuck somewhere in her throat. He found nothing. The piece sticking up in her throat is her epiglottis. Who knew?!? I do know that we have NEVER seen her epiglottis before, so this was unusual for us. In fact, I have never seen ANYONE'S epiglottis before. Drew told him about the Tic Tac incident earlier that day and he said the Tic Tac could have aggrivated some scar tissue that may have formed from the time she choked on a meatball and I dug it out and scratched her throat. (See my previous post for that story.) The doctor also thought maybe she was just a little paranoid to eat because she has choked several times. He didn't seem overly concerned, though, and sent them on their way.
Yesterday we offered her anything soft that we thought she would eat. She tried to eat pudding, but choked on it. She tried to eat applesauce, but choked on it. She did finally drink most of a yogurt drink, but that was all. She hasn't eaten anything of substance since lunch on Saturday. Drew is taking her to her regular doctor this morning, so I will post an update later on.
So, we did finally get out "Ladies Day," but it sure didn't turn out like I had hoped. We may just have to have another one to make up for it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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