Drew brought home a new (to us) dog Saturday. Yes, he asked me first. Yes, I agreed to it. Yes, I will probably regret it.
One of the teachers at his school was looking to find a new home for her recently spade 18 month-old chocolate lab. She crated him all day and felt bad about that. The dogs' original name was "Chewy" and I'm afraid we will soon find out why. We threw some names around and decided on Daisy.
The kids were very excited to see her (Except for Bryson. He is afraid of big dogs. I don't know why. We have a big dog!). After the kids played with her for a little while, we introduced her to our dogs~ Jessie and Belle. Jessie is a black lab and Belle is a miniture pincher/dauschound mix. Jessie let Daisy know right away who is top dog in our back yard. Poor Belle tried to hide but ended up wet with slobber instead. It really was interesting to watch them relate and communicate with each other in their own dog way.
We went to PetSmart and got new tags made for all three dogs and bought new beds, new collars and a leash for Daisy. Daisy came to us with her crate, so that was one thing we didn't have to buy. Addie picked out a "baby" (stuffed dog with a squeaker) for Daisy, also. Our "free" dog is already expensive!
So, we spent the better part of two days getting adjusted to a new member in our family. Daisy will be an outside dog during the day just like our other two. We will crate her at night which is what we do with Belle and Jessie. Right now we have their crates in the house right by the back door, but only because it is so hot right now. We don't allow our dogs to run around the house. They shed too badly and we don't want to have any "accidents" to clean up!
I am going to try to take her running with me and Nancy on Saturday. I am planning on her being our new running buddy! I need to try to run some of her energy off! She really is a sweet dog and has been so good around the kids. I haven't heard her bark, yet, but I'm sure she can and will.
I am hopeful that Daisy will be a good dog and a positive addition to our family. (I hope I don't have to eat those words!) I will try to get a good picture of her soon.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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