Day 8 found us back at Magic Kingdom. We thought we would go back for a few hours to do some of the things we had missed. We split up from David and Kelly and said we would meet up later.

Last day~ still smiling!

Anxiously waiting for the gates to open!

A trip to Magic Kingdom isn't complete without a ride on the Jungle Cruise! I know this is a cheesy ride, but it ended up being one of Addison's favorites! I am glad we took the time to go on it.

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. We almost passed this up, but thought it would be fun for the kids to walk through it. They were less than impressed. I remember climbing those stairs with my sister when we were kids and we thought it was fun then. I guess kids aren't as imaginative these days! I enjoyed it, though!

Yes, she had her tiara on, again! She was squeezing out all the princess time she could get!

Can't you just read Jackson's mind? "Alright mom, enough with the pictures! Cheese."

We COULD NOT leave without seeing the Country Bear Jamborie! Yes, it is the same as it was when the park opened 40 years ago. Yes, it is just as cheesy now as it was then. Addison thought it was funny and laughed through the entire show. I'm not sure she knew what she was laughing at, but she had a good time! We met back up with David and Kelly at this point.

Of course, we had to circle the park on the Disney Railroad. It was good to be able to sit down and relax a little bit. It was HOT that morning. The weather had been pretty mild until the day before this. We were very fortunate in that regard.

Drew and I on the railroad. Yes, I have a shirt on. Jackson took the picture, so it's just a weird angle!

Standing at the door of Cinderella's Castle. You can tell by the looks on Bryson's and Addison's faces that they had had enough.

One last view of the castle before we left.

They were hungry for lunch at this point and Addison was tired of me taking pictures! Again, they will thank me one day!

Me and my prince at Magic Kingdom. We had a magical time!

We went to lunch at Planet Hollywood at Downtown Disney. Drew was a little quiet at lunch because of the prices! He doesn't spend money freely! :0) I think that is an understatement! He got over it, though, and we moved on. We stopped to take a couple of pictures by the fountain before walking around. We let the kids put their hands in it, but had to stop that because Addison came pretty close to falling in. She's not the most graceful little girl!

She may not be graceful, but she sure is cute!
After a VERY hot walk to the Lego store and a quick look around we decided to go back to the house for one last swim. Drew and I swam with the kids for a couple of hours and David and Kelly joined us a little later. We ordered pizza that night and went to bed early so we could be ready for a long drive the next morning. I hated thinking of leaving, but I was ready to get home.
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