I could choose to feel sorry for myself and our current situation, but I am going to make a conscious effort to be positive. I've spent a lot of time thinking about all that has transpired over the last five days. These are my positive thoughts:
1) Drew and I get to spend A LOT of extra time together! Since this happened in the summer it makes it a little easier than if it would have happened while we were working. I'm a little over protective of him right now, so I am very near him all the time. I don't think he minds. ;0)
2) My kids are learning to do things around the house that we should have taught them to do long ago. Generally, they seem happy to help out. I know the novelty will wear off eventually, but they are doing pretty good right now.
3) Bryson is at an age where he can watch the younger two for us when we need to leave the house for a little while. If this would have happened a couple of years ago we wouldn't have been able to do that.
4) Drew's brothers and their families and Drew's mom have been awesome during all of this. They have kept the kids busy and let them spend the night a couple of nights right after Drew got hurt so I could focus my attention on him.
5) My friends have been AMAZING! They are bring us meals galore and act interested even when they hear me tell "the story" for the umpteenth time! It helps to be able to talk about it sometimes. I'm just trying to work through my thoughts. One friend has helped take Addison and Jackson to soccer and baseball practice. I am usually uncomfortable asking for help, but I am starting to learn that people like to help. I am thankful for friends who will step in when needed and usually without even asking!
6) Drew is starting to be able to do some things for himself. This will be short lived since after his surgery on Thursday his arm and shoulder will be immobilized, but I will take it while we have it.
7) I ordered Drew a Bathroom Buddy. Google it! You will see why this makes my list of positives! :0)
8) Drew and I went to a movie together today. It was not a kid movie. I can't remember the last time we did that! It was fun to spend time together and I didn't have to keep little hands out of my popcorn!
9) I am learning to do things that Drew never let me do. He usually mows the grass (wouldn't even consider letting me do it!), keeps up with the laundry, cooks all the meals and cleans the house. Yep, I'm usually pretty worthless! Really, I do things, but he does MOST of the things around the house. Yes, he treats me like a princess!
10) He can still move his hand to rub my feet! I don't ASK him to do this, he just does it! It's good physical therapy, right?!?
I'll stop my list at 10. I know I will have some hard days, but today I am choosing to look on the bright side!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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