Today Drew and I had the BEST time! I have always heard people say that you have to make time together to keep your marriage strong. I have always believed that, but we haven't always made the time. Now that Bryson is older and can be our babysitter it is so much easier!
I have been getting bored with working out. I have needed a change for a while and just haven't really done it. I did teach boot camp for four weeks in June so that was a little different, but I still need to change it up. I am still going to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays to take a body pump class. Tuesday I went to a track and ran/walked and did bleachers. I have also started riding my bike about once a week and listening to an audio book and that has been fun. Yesterday I rode 20 miles! I don't want to be a slave to the gym this summer, so I have been trying to change it up. Drew has been running and riding his bike, too! I am so proud of him and the hard work he is putting into getting healthy. He is an inspiration!
Anyway, we were talking about this the other day and we decided to do something together on Fridays. Today was our first Friday to exercise together. We went to the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. We packed a backpack full of water, Gatorade, sunflower seeds and granola. We got a map and started hiking. We hiked for over 2 hours! We saw deer, birds, gar, perch, a snake, prairie dogs, racoons and lots of spiders and bugs. We did our best to clear out all the spider webs, too! Oh my goodness, there were a lot of spider webs! Drew got most of them because he walked in front of me. He carried a stick to try to break them up before he walked through them, but that didn't work so well! We stopped along the way to eat some granola and drink our Gatorade. Drew called it our "hippie" date! We had a great time talking, listening and just walking in silence. It was so much fun to be together. Toward the end of our hike we went to the visitor's center and looked around a little bit. (I needed to use the restroom, too, so I finally got to go there!) We decided that that would be a great place to show the kids and will definitely go back in the future. His legs are starting to itch, so I'm sure we will have to double up on the bug spray next time!
On the way home, we called the kids and told them to get ready to go swimming. We stayed at the pool for a couple of hours playing and splashing around. Then we put a movie on and took a nap. I don't think the kids napped, but that's okay because we were the ones who needed it!
After our naps we went to a food park to eat dinner. Everyone got to get whatever they wanted, so everyone was happy. We finished our meals with cupcakes and snowcones. What could be better?!
I am looking forward to more Fun Fridays with Drew. I LOVE spending time with him. It reminds me of when we were first married and it was just the two of us. We love our kids tremendously, but it is good for the two of us to spend time alone together!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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