My weekend SUCKED! I know most people only post about the good things that happen in their life, but not me, not today. I read several blogs and have many Facebook friends and I often find myself comparing my life to theirs. I usually end up feeling horrible about myself. How can they cook a wonderful meal, spend quality time with their children, finish their crafts, have a perfectly clean house and manicured yard, lose __ # of pounds and fit in a weekly date night with their husband??? My life is just not that perfect. I am a hot mess, have a HORRIBLE temper, get stressed easily, take things out on the people closest to me and retreat when I feel like I can't take it any more. I won't go into details, but just know that I may be in need of some prayers. Prayers for patience, tolerance, energy, and for my family and friends to be able to love me at my worst. We start work again tomorrow and I will be honest in taying that I haven't even thought about school, yet. So, yeah, I feel like a complete and total loser right now. I know things will get better. They always do. It's just hard to see how things will work out for good when you are in the middle of the mess.
As for Drew, he is doing better and is able to do most things that don't involve raising his hand above his head, lifting or pushing and pulling. He still can't drive, but hopefully that will change in a few more weeks. Then he will start physical therapy. That will just add one more thing to our wonderful schedule. (Sarcasm is a wonderful thing.)
Oh, and just because I know some people expect it: only 287 more days until Summer 2013!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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