I keep having to remind myself what day it is. Time is strange right now. I almost feel like I did right after I had my babies. Time is passing, but time doesn't matter. When you are getting up several times during the night and sleeping during the day, time takes on a different look.
Drew slept in the recliner last night. I use the term sleep loosely. He didn't get restful sleep, but dozed off here and there. Jackson was so sweet and slept on the couch so he could help his daddy if he needed it. I got up a couple of times to check on him and to change the ice in his ice machine. He can't unhook himself from the ice machine with his left hand so he is stuck in the chair until someone unhooks him.
I took Drew's advice this morning to take some time to take care of myself. I went to the gym for Turbo Kick and a Body Pump class. It was good to take my mind off of things for a couple of hours. When I got home I gave Drew a makeshift sponge bath. He can't get his upper body wet, so we've had to come up with a solution. He stands in the tub and I wash him from the waist down. He can't do it with his left hand and arm the way it is. Believe me, there are a lot of jokes and laughs going on during this process. Sometimes you just have to make the most of the situation. He is in pain, but I can still make him laugh!
After he got cleaned up I decided to tackle the yard. The weed eater is going to be the death of me. Also, there must be some art to blowing the cut grass in the street with the blower. I think more gets stuck on my sweaty body than gets in the street. I'll figure it out, eventually. I did decide, though, while I was mowing that the grass can be cut every two weeks instead of every week. I won't win any awards, but I won't get a citation from the city. Every two weeks will have to suffice.
Drew's brother, David, came by to pick up the kids and take them to his house for a little while. Then they are spending the night with Gram and going to church with her in the morning. They have been so nice (along with Matthew and Carrie and our friends Toni and Kirk) to take the kids for a while so Drew can rest. I don't know if we can ever repay them for their kindness. So, Drew and I are just hanging out together trying to rest and catch up on some Olympics action. We are watching yesterday's events now and should make it to today's soon. Hopefully, Drew can get some restful sleep tonight and have a little less pain tomorrow.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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