Saturday, October 15, 2011

I am a quitter.

Today I officially stopped doing Weight Watchers. I cancelled my subscription. I quit. I didn't quit because anything happened or was wrong, I quit because I am ready to continue my journey on my own. I learned a lot while doing Weight Watchers. Now I want to see if I can put what I learned into practice without the accountability of tracking my points daily. I have been slowly weaning myself off of it for the last couple of weeks, so the transition shouldn't be too difficult. I just hope I can maintain my weight loss. Time will tell. If I start to gain and feel like I need the extra accountability tracking my points brings, then I will rejoin. I am not too proud to admit that I may need a little extra help. Judge me if you want.
This journey has been challenging. I started off three years ago over 50 pounds heavier than I am right now. I lost a little on my own before I subscribed to Weight Watchers. I lost about 30 on the plan. The weight didn't come off quickly or easily, but hopefully it will stay off. I have taken myself to new heights physically~ higher than I ever had the desire to go! I have learned that my body can do some amazing things and that it is my job to treat it well. My journey is not over, it is just taking a little turn, hopefully for the better. I am excited about where I am and how far I have come. I hope to be an inspiration to others who are on the same journey and an encouragement to those how may need some motivation. So, long Weight Watchers, you have taught me well!


Rachel Lopez Doporto said...

Im so proud of you!! You look amazing.. You will be fine...

Jana said...

Thanks, Rachel!