Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I have had so much fun at a conference this week with my friends and co-workers. We have laughed until we cried. I have heard things said that I never thought I would hear from a certain person! Here's a shout out to you, "Sugar Lips!" I am so blessed to work in an environment that allows me to laugh and have fun. I can have fun when I need to and can be serious when I have to. I heard something today that rings true: "Fresh ideas come when you are having fun." This is true for both students and teachers and people in general. I think this is why I have grown as a teacher since I have been at my school. I have fun and it sparks my creativity. This has more to do with the people I work with than anything else. Thanks, friends for a great couple of days! You rock!
On a sadder note, tomorrow marks the 4th anniversary of my mom's death. The official date on her death certificate is October 3rd, but we know she died on the 1st.

CAUTION: Very Random Thoughts Ahead!

For those who know me, you know that I have always celebrated my birthday the entire month of October. I have always said that I don't have a birth day, I have a birth month! My birth day is actually on the 18th, but I claim the whole month.

Since my mom's death, my birth month has had a different meaning. Now October is filled with feelings that aren't so jovial. Sure I remember the good things my mom did for me, and the times she was able to spend with my kids. But I am also reminded of the many regrets I have. I regret that I was not a better daughter. I regret that my kids did not get to know her more. (Jackson was only 5 months old and Bryson was 4 1/2) I regret that she never got to meet Addison. She would have loved a granddaughter! Addie would have been more rotten than she already is! So, October brings many different feelings now. My birthday/month just isn't the same anymore.

I take comfort in knowing my mom is dancing with Jesus and is reunited with my sister, Jamie. They always had a special bond. I don't know if it was because Jamie was her first baby, or because they were a lot alike. Either way, they were close. My mom was never the same after Jamie died, so I take comfort knowing they are together again.

I take comfort knowing that my mom will never have to grow old or suffer ill health. She will never have to worry about how to pay the bills or if she will be able to retire. These are the things that get me through some days. I still, after four years, reach for my phone when the kids do something funny. I want to have someone to tell so badly. My grandparents get to hear all my stories now! So do my friends at work. I know they get tired of me telling stories about my kids, but they are so sweet to sit there and listen! It is also one of the reasons I started this blog.

I remember the moment we learned my mom's body had been found in her house. I will never forget it.

We were in Mexia visiting my aunt. She was recovering from breast surgery. My grandparents were there, also. I had been trying to call my mom all morning to see if she wanted to go with us. I could never get her. I left a irritated message on her answering machine and told her we were going without her. I called her repeatedly about every 30 minutes while we were in the car. When we got to my aunts, I asked everyone if they had heard from her. Nobody had talked to her since Friday. This was Sunday afternoon. I usually talked to her each day. We kept trying to call and she never answered. Now we were getting worried. My granddad finally called one of my mom's friends, Debbie, who worked with her. She had a key to my mom's house because she lived nearby. Debbie and her husband went by my mom's house and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so they went in. They found my mom laying on her bed and she was already gone. From the looks of things they could tell it had been a while. She was still wearing the clothes she had worn to work on Friday and still had her name badge around her neck. She laid down to take a nap and never woke up. Debbie called my granddad back and I am assuming called the police or someone. All I remember my granddad saying is, "It's too late. They already found her."

In that moment I felt all alone in the world. Yes, I still had Drew and my kids and my grandparents who have been like parents to me, but I still felt alone. I remember crying and wandering around my aunt's house wondering what I was suppose to do. I don't know how we got home that day. Most of the rest of the afternoon is a total blur. I know that Bryson still remembers me crying. I know I scared him. I didn't mean to. If I would have been thinking straight I would have tried to shield him from some of that. He still mentions this scene when I talk about my aunt. He always wants to know if I am going to cry when I see her. Unfortunately, he will probably always remember this.

So, this is what goes through my mind on October 1st. All the "what ifs." I know I can't redo any of this. I try to think about the good times and the times Bryson received ALL of her attention. Unfortunately, he is losing those memories. There will be a time when he forgets what if felt like to be loved so much by his grandmommy. He will forget all the times they played hide and seek and pretended to have picnics on the bedroom floor. He won't remember how she would give him anything he asked for even though she knew we wouldn't approve. I have tried to keep these memories alive, but they are fading. I have told him how much his grandmommy loved him and how she would give him so many kisses. She loved that little boy. She loved Jackson, too, she just didn't have enough time with him to know him like she did Bryson.

Mom, I know I didn't say it enough or show it enough, but I do love you. Drew loves you and my boys love you. Addison would have loved you too!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am so thankful for the wonderful friends I have at work. I have had several of them tell me they are praying or have prayed for me. That makes me feel so loved. Sometimes we get so busy at work we don't take the time to reach out to others. These sweet people have taken the time to reach out to me and for that I am very grateful. I had a much better day today and know it is because of all my special friends saying prayers for me. Thank you, friends!

I have decided that I will not allow people to take my joy away from me. I have allowed one person to take my joy, and I will not do that any longer. It is my choice to be happy and joyful and I shouldn't allow someone to steal it away. I would gladly give her some if I knew she would use it! But I will not allow it to be taken! I know the devil was happy yesterday when I had such a bad day, and I know that with Jesus I will be victorious over him. This gives me hope and strength.

Oh my gosh, I have a confession to make. Our principal buys us donuts every pay day. Last year I was able to stay away from them. I went 8 months last year without eating a pay day donut. Today, I must confess, I ate TWO! Yes, TWO. I knew when I reached in for the second one I would regret it, but I ate it anyway. I thought about throwing it away after the first bite, but I didn't. Afterwards, I felt really dirty and fat. I hate that. I try not to use the "f" word, but there is no better way to say how I felt! I will have to work out extra hard in the morning.

Bryson has been very sweet today. I think he knows I had a horrible day yesterday. (How could he not know, I yelled at him A LOT.) Sorry, Buddy! He went with me to get my hair cut after school. I don't think he likes it much, (It's always really big when she blow dries it.) but he said it looked good. When Drew got home, I heard Bryson tell him, "Mom got her hair cut and she looks H-O-T!" At least he still loves me after yesterday! He can be really sweet when he wants to be.

The boys are spending the night with Drew's mom tomorrow. They are looking forward to it. She is going to take them to her school's carnival on Saturday. Bryson has been wanting to pack his bag all week, but we have made him wait. Drew has to scout a game tomorrow night, so Addie and I will have a girls night. I am hoping she will be extra tired and sleepy so we can take a bath and go to bed early. I'm thinking maybe 7:00 or 7:30!

Saturday is our SMBS party. You know how crazy you get with cleaning when people are coming over! That is what we are going to do all morning on Saturday. You know, no one notices clean, but they sure notice dirty! Our house is not dirty, by any means, but it is not "company clean." Why do we always clean so much for company but not for ourselves? I always wonder this! Then we have to clean again when they leave! We love having people over, so it's really no big deal. I just alway wonder why it is this way!

Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow. It is almost time for bed. I am getting very sleepy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is relief in sight?

I came to school this morning needing some encouragement. (Yes, I am typing this at school!) Sometimes life becomes too much to handle. I feel like I need a vacation from it all- work, family, house, everything. Trying not to break down into a pool of tears and trying not to become so angry with my kids has become too much right now. I feel like I am at my breaking point. I have prayed about it, believe me. I am still waiting. I know God isn't Santa Claus and does things in His own time, but I feel like I need some relief. I feel like everything rests on my shoulders right now. I don't know if it is because Drew is working so much (football season, you know) or if it is being around negativity ALL day long or that my kids seem to know how to push every button I have right now. But I need a break. I have tried to fake it by joking around and laughing at work, but I lose it at home. My kids are suffering because of the way I feel. I feel like all I do is gripe at them and they don't deserve it. (Well, some of the time they deserve it!) Maybe this is how life is and I have had it too good for so long. Please pray for me. I need some relief.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

At the park!

Addie was not happy being held down. It is so hard to get a picture of the three of them if she is not in the mood! The boys took a good picture, though!
Swinging like a big girl. She is on a regular swing! No baby swing for my girl. She just holds on real tight and I hold my breath so she doesn't fall off!
Two little monkeys!
Addie is in the kitchen on her new bike before we left for the park. Glamour girl!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! She climbs up the slide and slides down by herself. She gets mad if someone tries to help her. I don't think we let Bryson do this until he was three years old! I can't believe how independent she wants to be and how big she thinks she is. She is growing up way too fast. I was hoping she would stay a baby a little while longer, but it looks like she has other things in mind. sniff, sniff :(

We had a good time at the park. It is really the school playground by our house, but the boys call it the park. Bryson rode his bike, Jackson rode his little Diego tricycle and I pushed Addison on her new bike. We stayed about 30 minutes and rode home. The boys were so cute racing each other and playing chicken in the street. Don't worry, there were no cars around!

Playing around

I have been playing around with my blog a little bit today. I am SO technologically illerate that it makes me feel good to be able to make changes to my blog on my own. I don't have to ask anyone for help! I will try to add more things a little at a time. No need to get crazy or anything!

I did something else productive today! I put together a tricycle Addison received for her birthday almost 3 months ago! I haven't put it together sooner because 1) I didn't want to go through the hassle, 2) it has been too hot for her to ride it and 3) I really thought Drew would eventually put it together! It only took about an hour from start to finish. Jackson "helped" me and was really excited when I let him ride it around the house when "we" were finished.

We went to church today and had a good time. It is always uplifting and refreshing to go. We really enjoy our Sunday Morning Bible Study class and have made some friends there. I feel like that is a place where I can be open and honest and won't get judged. I don't open up very often because I get so emotional sometimes. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. I'm sure this will get easier with time and as relationships grow.

We are having a SMBS party at our house this Saturday night. This is when Drew and Breon are suppose to have a cooking contest. Everyone who attends the party are going to be the judges. This was Breon's idea and he better not try to cheat! ;) I know he has some hook-ups at a couple of resturants. He and Drew are suppose to shop together and prepare everything together. We will see if he lives up to his end of the bargain. I will let everyone know the outcome of the contest. It will be exciting, it nothing else!

Not much else going on. We are going to sit back and watch some football today and I will, hopefully, get to bed early!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

They bigger they are...

the harder they fall! This applies to me.
Thursday we had a school-wide skate night. It has been a WHILE since I have donned a pair of skates. Just like riding a bike, right? WRONG!

Things were going okay (I had only fallen once.) when some of the kids decided to form a train or conga line. We had about 4 or five in our train and had even managed to do several laps. We would break up now and then, but would form our train again. Anyway, toward the end, (I didn't know it would be the end.) Bryson was holding on to my back pockets and we were cruising (slowly) around the rink. A little girl grabbed onto him and down we went.

I landed HARD on what I thought was Bryson's skate wheel. My butt was in PAIN. When I finally got up Bryson was holding his arm and crying that no sound comes out cry. You know the one. That is when I realized I landed on his arm! I just KNEW I broke it. There was no way his arm could have survived my fall with the way my booty hurt. I tried to remain calm and get him up as easily as I could. We took off our skates and got in the car. He was holding his arm the entire time. He was being really brave, also.

I called Drew and told him I thought we had a skating injury that might require medical attention. When we got home he had the ice pack and Ace bandage waiting for Bryson. Upon further inspection, we realized his arm was probably not broken just really sore.

The next day he was fine. My butt, on the other hand, still hurts and I have a large bruise forming on my right cheek! (I know, too much information!) Drew did tell me that I better not post any pictures! (No, I didn't TAKE any pictures!)

The funny part was the next day at school. I heard Bryson say, "All my mom's hundred pounds fell on top of my arm!" What could I do but give him a big hug and promise him a sticker! Who ever said that boy doesn't know what he's talking about!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And you thought telemarketers were persistent!

Today was the big fundraiser kick-off at school. Bryson was so excited to get his packet. He has high hopes! He is sure he can sell 80 items to win a pre-paid cell phone. (I don't know why an 8 year old needs a cell phone, but I cannot comprehend the mind of this 8 year old!)

On the way home today he was going through a list in his mind of all the people he could hit up to buy things. (His list was pretty short!) Our next door neighbors were on his list. We are friends with them, so he decided it was okay to go to their door. (He knows the dangers of talking to strangers. He is so shy sometimes he barely talks to non-strangers!) Anyway, at dinner he was trying to get up his courage to go talk to Ms. Patty. He convinced Jackson to go with him and even role played what he was going to say. We finished dinner and off they went.

They were gone about 10 minutes before I asked Drew if I should go find them. I could just picture them in her house talking her ear off! As I was walking toward the front door, they came in.

"Well, how did it go?" I asked.

"We knocked on the door four times and she never answered. Then we looked in the windows and didn't see her, so we tried to get in but the doors were locked."

"You WHAT?!?"

They repeated exactly what I had clearly heard the first time. Then the yelling began. "You DON'T try to 'get in' someone's house if they don't answer the door. She must not be home. Do WE try to get in other people's houses? Do WE look in other people's windows?" It went on for a while. Use your imagination!

So, here is my warning: Bryson has 13 days to reach his goal of 80 items. If you don't want him stalking you or trying to break in your house, buy something from him or avoid him completely!


Drew and Addison stayed home today. From the minute she woke up this morning she started crying. This continued for an HOUR! Finally, I called Drew to come back home so he could stay with her. I put her back in bed and she went to sleep. She slept until aroud 9:30 this morning. He said she had two BIG poopy diapers and gas like a man. Could it be my new dinner routine? I sure hope not! Maybe she is getting too much fiber all at once? I don't know. I may have to feed her something different. So, my favorite day was ruined today because of excessive gas. Hopefully next Wednesday will be better!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, everyone who knows me at all knows I HATE to cook. I like to bake, but I HATE to cook. Things don't taste good when I cook. Plus it takes like an hour to cook and everyone eats it in 10 minutes. Then you spend another 30 minutes cleaning up! I can think of so many other things that need to be done in that amount of time. So, I was reading another blog. This person hates to cook, also. She serves her kids small amounts of several different things. This sounded like it was something I could do.

So, beginning yesterday, I decided to approach dinner differently. (This is just on nights when Drew is not here. When he is here, he takes care of dinner. Love you, Sweetie!) I feel good about this new arrangement. Last night the kids ate apples dipped in peanut butter, pretzels, oranges and yogurt. They thought it was great. I ate the same things and I had some celery and Laughing Cow cheese. We got in a couple of servings of fruit that they need and I didn't have to turn on the stove. I also didn't feel bad about letting them have a scoop of ice cream later. Tonight they had boiled eggs (Does this count as cooking?), nectarines, oranges, pretzels, string cheese and milk. Although Bryson informed me that this is not "really a meal," they enjoyed it. I enjoyed it as well and I didn't have a heavy, full feeling afterward. Looks like a plan to me!

Bryson has been working on homework for a while. I am typing this while he is getting in his required 20 minutes of reading. He has the timer set so he doesn't read more than absolutely necessary! He finished his book before the timer went off. After about 10 seconds, I realized what he was doing. He was reading the title of the book over and over trying to "read" until the timer went off! I just told him that I don't think that counts, but he informed me that he is "reading." Too smart for his (or my) own good sometimes!

Yesterday he told me that he couldn't do his homework at school while I was in a meeting. Why not? It HAS to be done at HOME! Again, I am in trouble with this boy! He is so literal sometimes!

I appreciate everyone's prayers today. I felt the Lord working! I had a sense of peace and calmness today. I didn't have that tense, tight feeling in my chest today, so it was a good day! May tomorrow be the same! That tense, tight feeling didn't start until I got home! Just kidding! ;)

Tomorrow is the day I get to sleep in! I get so excited about that extra hour! I may just stay up until 9:00 and watch something on tv tonight!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Why are some people so grumpy? I have been known to have some grumpy moments, even a grumpy day or two. But, all the time? There is someone I see often that is ALWAYS grumpy. No matter what I say, she/he (I don't want to give away her/his idenity!) has a negative response. It can be a real downer. I had hoped to rub off on her/him in a good way, but sometimes I feel myself getting so worked up and stressed out just being around her/him. I know she/he needs the grace, love and hope that only our God can give. I have tried to talk to her/him about going to church and finding "something" that brings her/him joy in life, but, again, I was met with negative responses. I KNOW I am not a perfect person, and certainly not a great Christian, I just want her/him to see that you can be happy and have joy even in bad situations. I have definately been through some doozies, but I can still manage to smile most of the time and be joyful. I don't mean to sound judgemental, I just want to be an example of how be happy even in bad situations. I hope and pray (Believe me, prayer is the only thing that keeps me sane sometimes. I'm sure my sanity is even questionable occassionally!) that I can be a light in her/his dark world. Please pray for me and this unnamed person. We really need it!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday Night Lights

Me and Addie at the game.
Jackson and his Starbursts.
Bryson enjoying his Gatorade.

Drew and Addie.

We went to the Richland/Birdville game last night. Birdville lost 13-21.

I love Friday nights at a high school football game! It brings back such good memories. I envy the parents sitting in the stands wearing their son's number. I have always wanted to be one of those parents. I guess I always knew I would have a boy who would play Varsity football. The thing is, my boys are so NOT interested in football. Yes, I know, they are only 4 and 8, but shouldn't they at least be a little interested by now? When I told them, excitedly, that we were going to the game, they both asked, "Do we have to?"

"Football is fun. Remember last year? You got to play in the bleachers and find bugs. We bought you a snack and a drink. Don't you remember how much fun football is?"

They scoured the bleachers for money and other forms of "treasure." Bryson ended up 12 cents and several nuts, bolts and washers richer.They have no idea what goes on on the field.

I have tried to get Bryson interested in playing some kind of team sport. He played Upward basketball last year. He was not impressed. He did enjoy the post-game snack, though. We sent him to the Texas Ranger's baseball camp. (Thanks, again, Breon!) He was not impressed. He liked the baseball cards, though. Golf, I thought, he would surely enjoy golf. Nope. He does enjoy cooking. Do they make parent jerseys for that? Maybe I could get a button with his picture on it and wear it to cooking competitions? Hopefully, someday down the road, some sport will spark his interest. Until then, I will go to football games and secretly (or not so secretly, now) look at those parents proudly wearing their son's jersey number, with envy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here are my sweet babies! I love it when they are all loving each other! True bliss!
This is usually what happens when I try to take their picture. Out come the silly faces.

She is really listening to whatever he is saying. This alliance could be dangerous.
Tomorrow is Friday! What else is there to say!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Heavenly Birthday

I have put off posting this all day. This is a difficult day for me. Today was my sister's birthday. She would have been 38 today. She died suddenly and unexpectedly on January 22, 1992. She was just 21. I often wonder what kind of relationship we would have had as adults. We didn't have a very good relationship growing up. We were only 13 months apart and very competitive with eachother. I guess most sisters are like that. I just wonder if we would have outgrown that to have a good adult relationship. I would like to think that we would have. I think of her often even though I don't talk about her much. I get very emotional when I speak of her. I will talk to Drew about her sometimes, but, since he didn't know her, I'm sure it's just like hearing stories about someone you don't know and aren't attached to. Anyway, I just had to recognize that today would have been her birthday and I'm sure she would have bragged about being "two years" older than me, if only for another 5 weeks. She always liked to say she was "two years" older than me until I had my next birthday! Happy Birthday in Heaven, Jamie!

Yea for Wednesday!

I love Wednesdays! Why? Thanks for asking. I will tell you why!
1)On Wednesdays I sleep in until 5:30 or 5:45. (Yes, that is sleeping in. Every other morning I get up at 4:15 to go to the gym!)
2)I seem to get ready a little faster on Wednesdays because I don't have to wait until I stop sweating before I get ready.
3)After school, on Wednesdays, I drop Bryson off with Drew at football practice (or whatever practice they are having depending on the season).
4)Then, I go to the gym. This is my alone time. I go to the gym in the afternoon on Wednesday because I take a class by an instructor I really like. So, I alter my routine just to go to her class. That's not the best part about Wednesdays.
5)After my class, I go home and Drew has given the kids a bath and usually has dinner waiting for me. All I have to do is sit down and eat.
6)After we eat, I take a bath, by myself, and get ready for bed.
7)Then Bryson and I will lay in my bed and watch a show, usually whatever he wants to watch. This is the only day we let him go to bed with me. He would go every night if we let him. We have reduced it to one day. He really enjoys doing that.
Since he was our first baby, we let him fall asleep in our bed and would take him to his bed later on. He still likes to do this, but we don't so much! So, on Wednesdays, we let him. I know he will grow out of it eventually, but for now I will enjoy it. So, that is why I LOVE Wednesdays! They aren't as good as Saturday and Sunday, but Wednesdays are my favorite day during the week!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Funny from Jackson

We have Yatzee games in both bathrooms- to help pass the time! We were getting in the car Thursday morning and Jackson says, in tattle-tale voice, "Mom, Addie has the poopin' game!"
Got to love sweet innocence!

Bryson was baptized today. My grandparents were there, so was Drew's mom and step-dad, his grandmother, Aunt Kelly, Jonathan, Jarrett and his sweet Kindergarten teacher. She was so nice to come see him take this big step in his relationship with Jesus. She has had such an influence in his life and he just LOVES her. In fact, the other day, he told me he wants two moms-her and me. He said she could be his step-mom.

The Cowboy game is almost over, so it is time for baths and bed will follow shortly after! Time to start another week!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Super Mom

Okay, I am NOT talking about myself! I am talking about all the single moms out there who do it ALL by themselves. I only have to be alone a couple of nights a week during football, basketball and track seasons and I struggle every time!

It's not that I don't know HOW to cook (I would hardly starve if left to my own devices). I just don't LIKE to cook. I get an uneasy feeling just being in the kitchen, unless there is chocolate in there! EVERYTIME I am in the kitchen something happens. I burn, break, bust, spill or destroy something! The other night I was going to make breakfast for dinner. Simple enough. The kids like biscuits and eggs. I could handle that much, surely. The first thing I did was drop an egg on the floor. I cleaned it up and managed to get something resembling food on the table. The boys don't really complain anymore, they know that that is just how it is when mom is in charge of cooking. That's just one example. Believe me there are many more. That one is just the most recent! Tonight I stopped by Chicken Express on the way home to avoid a certain disaster. The homecooked meals will have to wait until Drew is home!

Maybe I shouldn't do this, but I do. I let my kids take a bath together. Not every night, just when I need a few minutes by myself. Usually I will only let Jackson and Addison bathe together. I make Bryson take a shower most of the time. Tonight was one of those nights when I said all three of them could take a bath and play in there for a while. Five minutes, I thought, would be enough to get my second wind. I needed it after dancing and jumping around with 5, 6 and 7 seven year olds for a couple of hours today. I had just sat down when Jackson and Bryson came running down the hall, naked, shouting, "Addie pooped in the tub! Addie pooped in the tub!" Sure enough, there it was in all it's glory. And she was standing there laughing at it! Of course every bath toy was in the tub with her. So tonight, one bath turned into two, after a thorough cleaning, and the bath toys filled up the dishwasher. The dirty dishes will have to stay in the sink until Drew gets home.

Then we still had to do homework and spend "quality" time together. I quickly went over spelling words, read a quick book and told them to turn on the T.V.! "We can watch T.V.?" they asked with excitment filling the air. "Sure, go for it. I need some alone time." They completely understand. That's just how it is when mom is in charge.

So, I am sitting here blogging and they are watching yet another show. I am hoping that second wind finds me soon! At least tomorrow is Friday. Although Drew has to scout a game and won't be home until late. We will probably have left-over Chicken Express, take a bath together and go to bed with another show on the Disney Channel. Jealous of my Friday night, yet?

Anyway, I admire single parents who can come home, cook dinner, help with homework and spend quality time with their kids. My mom was a single parent most of my life and I don't know how she managed. I KNOW I couldn't do it. I can barely keep things from falling apart a two nights a week! Power on, single moms! You deserve to be rewarded. Drew, don't even THINK about leaving! We will just follow you anyway!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cooking 101

Breon and Drew are ready to cook for us! Breon dubbed himself "Chef Homeboy R Dee!"
In action! Don't they look so cute. Kecia refers to Drew as Breon's "boyfriend!"
"Breon is going to WHAT?!? COOK?" I'll believe it when I see it!
This is Kourtney, Brea and Bryson. Brea and Bryson have an on-again, off-again relationship!
He really loves me, he just HATES to admit it!

Breon and Drew cooked for us on Labor Day. I don't know how much Drew allowed Breon to help, but they sure did look cute in their matching aprons! For those who aren't aware, Drew is a bit of a control-freak when it comes to cooking and "his kitchen." He doesn't even want me helping clear the table! So, they cooked yesterday and we, Kecia and I, were able to sit around and visit. It is so nice to have friends you can just hang out with and don't have to worry about impressing them or being someone you are not. Evidently, we're not too bad, they keep coming over when we ask! When they are here we don't have to worry about our kids. They just all play together and have a good time. We love you, Kecia and Breon! Your kids are great, too!

A few weeks ago, we were having a conversation at the dinner table. (We eat just about every dinner together as a family. I just love that! Something I never really had growing up.) Anyway, Drew was making an analogy about food and clothes. He was saying the meat is like the pants and the potato or rice is like the shirt in an outfit. He went on to say the bread is like a belt. Nice to have, but not totally necessary. The side dishes are like the accessories. You have to have a shirt and pants. Everything else is extra. Tonight my neighbor brought over dinner. (So nice of her! She just asked me last night if she could bring over dinner! Of course, I said yes!) She brought a chicken enchilada casserole-type dish. It had shredded chicken. Bryson wanted to know if the chicken was the belt. I guess since it was shredded, it didn't rank as the pants! It took us a minute to figure out what he was talking about, but we finally got a laugh out of it!

Jackson said he wants a pet pig. Don't know where he comes up with these things. For those who don't know, (and for the few people who haven't heard my Jackson stories) he says some of the most off the wall things. He just stated his desire for a pet pig out of the blue on Saturday. He's a funny little guy!

School is going pretty well. My schedule is a little crazy this year, but I think I am going to like it. At least I won't get bored every day! Nothing boring about being a PE teacher!

It's getting close to bed time, (yes, it is only 7pm!) so I'd better sign off!