I have had so much fun at a conference this week with my friends and co-workers. We have laughed until we cried. I have heard things said that I never thought I would hear from a certain person! Here's a shout out to you, "Sugar Lips!" I am so blessed to work in an environment that allows me to laugh and have fun. I can have fun when I need to and can be serious when I have to. I heard something today that rings true: "Fresh ideas come when you are having fun." This is true for both students and teachers and people in general. I think this is why I have grown as a teacher since I have been at my school. I have fun and it sparks my creativity. This has more to do with the people I work with than anything else. Thanks, friends for a great couple of days! You rock!
On a sadder note, tomorrow marks the 4th anniversary of my mom's death. The official date on her death certificate is October 3rd, but we know she died on the 1st.
CAUTION: Very Random Thoughts Ahead!
For those who know me, you know that I have always celebrated my birthday the entire month of October. I have always said that I don't have a birth day, I have a birth month! My birth day is actually on the 18th, but I claim the whole month.
Since my mom's death, my birth month has had a different meaning. Now October is filled with feelings that aren't so jovial. Sure I remember the good things my mom did for me, and the times she was able to spend with my kids. But I am also reminded of the many regrets I have. I regret that I was not a better daughter. I regret that my kids did not get to know her more. (Jackson was only 5 months old and Bryson was 4 1/2) I regret that she never got to meet Addison. She would have loved a granddaughter! Addie would have been more rotten than she already is! So, October brings many different feelings now. My birthday/month just isn't the same anymore.
I take comfort in knowing my mom is dancing with Jesus and is reunited with my sister, Jamie. They always had a special bond. I don't know if it was because Jamie was her first baby, or because they were a lot alike. Either way, they were close. My mom was never the same after Jamie died, so I take comfort knowing they are together again.
I take comfort knowing that my mom will never have to grow old or suffer ill health. She will never have to worry about how to pay the bills or if she will be able to retire. These are the things that get me through some days. I still, after four years, reach for my phone when the kids do something funny. I want to have someone to tell so badly. My grandparents get to hear all my stories now! So do my friends at work. I know they get tired of me telling stories about my kids, but they are so sweet to sit there and listen! It is also one of the reasons I started this blog.
I remember the moment we learned my mom's body had been found in her house. I will never forget it.
We were in Mexia visiting my aunt. She was recovering from breast surgery. My grandparents were there, also. I had been trying to call my mom all morning to see if she wanted to go with us. I could never get her. I left a irritated message on her answering machine and told her we were going without her. I called her repeatedly about every 30 minutes while we were in the car. When we got to my aunts, I asked everyone if they had heard from her. Nobody had talked to her since Friday. This was Sunday afternoon. I usually talked to her each day. We kept trying to call and she never answered. Now we were getting worried. My granddad finally called one of my mom's friends, Debbie, who worked with her. She had a key to my mom's house because she lived nearby. Debbie and her husband went by my mom's house and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so they went in. They found my mom laying on her bed and she was already gone. From the looks of things they could tell it had been a while. She was still wearing the clothes she had worn to work on Friday and still had her name badge around her neck. She laid down to take a nap and never woke up. Debbie called my granddad back and I am assuming called the police or someone. All I remember my granddad saying is, "It's too late. They already found her."
In that moment I felt all alone in the world. Yes, I still had Drew and my kids and my grandparents who have been like parents to me, but I still felt alone. I remember crying and wandering around my aunt's house wondering what I was suppose to do. I don't know how we got home that day. Most of the rest of the afternoon is a total blur. I know that Bryson still remembers me crying. I know I scared him. I didn't mean to. If I would have been thinking straight I would have tried to shield him from some of that. He still mentions this scene when I talk about my aunt. He always wants to know if I am going to cry when I see her. Unfortunately, he will probably always remember this.
So, this is what goes through my mind on October 1st. All the "what ifs." I know I can't redo any of this. I try to think about the good times and the times Bryson received ALL of her attention. Unfortunately, he is losing those memories. There will be a time when he forgets what if felt like to be loved so much by his grandmommy. He will forget all the times they played hide and seek and pretended to have picnics on the bedroom floor. He won't remember how she would give him anything he asked for even though she knew we wouldn't approve. I have tried to keep these memories alive, but they are fading. I have told him how much his grandmommy loved him and how she would give him so many kisses. She loved that little boy. She loved Jackson, too, she just didn't have enough time with him to know him like she did Bryson.
Mom, I know I didn't say it enough or show it enough, but I do love you. Drew loves you and my boys love you. Addison would have loved you too!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I love you, Jana! I can't believe it's taken us this long to get to know eachother. I will be praying you through the day/month, and when I see you, you better watch out 'cause you're getting one big ol' hug (even if it is in the middle of some fancy hotel)!!
What can I say! All I can do is bawl even tho we have a house full. That helps and I wish you were here amoung family One of my friends said "she has been with Jesus 4 years" I miss her so much! We know how each other feels, and we will be here for each other. That really helps, Jana, and I love you so much and hurt when you hurt. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
My mom had a similar situation w/ her mom about 5 years ago. She lived in Oklahoma, so they had to call the police to go break in to the house. It was also awful. I remember that she said she felt like an orphan, even though she was in her 50s. I'll be praying extra hard this month as you spend time processing what's going on and remembering your mom and what a sweet grandmommy she was to your boys.
I am praying for you, and I love you! Thank you for sharing this story. You will touch so many lives being so transparant. - And by touch I mean mentally not physically.
katie and Jana - Get a room! :)
I also had so much fun at the conference with you and our little group.
Love you!
I can hardly see through my tears to leave a comment...your tribute to your mom was just beautiful. Your recollections of your feelings that day were so very real to me that I could not help but cry reading them, even though I've heard you tell the story before. I've already said a prayer for you, although I have to admit I don't understand how you feel.
I still have my mom. We talk everyday, sometimes more than once. She still dotes and loves on my kids. They've been fortunate enough to have her around longer that your kids had their grandmommy. Thank you for making me realize how very thankful I should be for that. I can't imagine the day that I will have to face losing her, but I know most likely it will come. Your mom was taken from you way too early...you still had so much to share...grandchildren and all.
When my mom does go I'll need someone like you who understands how I feel. Please be there for me. I know I can't offer you that comfort. Just know that I love you dearly and am praying for you on this most difficult of days/months.
Hang in there, dear friend!
I just want you to know that I am here for you. I love you very much and my world stops when you are hurting. I know your mom would be so proud of you. You are such an incredible mom, daughter and wife. I am thinking about you constantly and praying God will be a comfort to you. Drew
I just want you to know how much we love and appreciate you! I too remember your Mom and what a sweet lady she was. I remember her sweet ways and loving personality. I definately see that her in you with your kids. I know she would be busting with pride to see you with them. You are such an awesome Mom. I want to say thank you for sharing this it too helps me appreciate what I have and not to take it for granted. I just want you to know we are here for you and think you are the greatest sister-in-law, aunt and friend. We are incredibly blessed to have you in our family. You are precious to us. I wanted to wish you Happy Birth-Month! Thank you for sharing and being so transparent. Thanks for letting us be a part of your life. We Love you! Hang in There! Kelly and The Boys
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