Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here are my sweet babies! I love it when they are all loving each other! True bliss!
This is usually what happens when I try to take their picture. Out come the silly faces.

She is really listening to whatever he is saying. This alliance could be dangerous.
Tomorrow is Friday! What else is there to say!


Katie said...

I'm not sure which is cuter: #1 where they're all posed & adorable, or #2 where they're back to normal...I mean acting silly.

Anonymous said...

What can I say?????? The most precious children!!!!!! I love to see them all clean and happy with each other. Jackson & Addison are just too cute, can tell they love each other, just like their great-grand-mother!!!

Megan said...

You have the most adorable children on the planet! (Well, I'll include mine on the list, too...) You always take such great pictures. Have a great weekend and stay dry (and safe).