We have Yatzee games in both bathrooms- to help pass the time! We were getting in the car Thursday morning and Jackson says, in tattle-tale voice, "Mom, Addie has the poopin' game!"
Got to love sweet innocence!
Bryson was baptized today. My grandparents were there, so was Drew's mom and step-dad, his grandmother, Aunt Kelly, Jonathan, Jarrett and his sweet Kindergarten teacher. She was so nice to come see him take this big step in his relationship with Jesus. She has had such an influence in his life and he just LOVES her. In fact, the other day, he told me he wants two moms-her and me. He said she could be his step-mom.
The Cowboy game is almost over, so it is time for baths and bed will follow shortly after! Time to start another week!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Who won the COWBOYS' game today? Thanks for the cookies today, even if you didn't want me over to watch football with Drew (LOL). Since you like to type so much, when I return to college you can type my papers for me.
OK here's the nice part of my comments
*Thanks for choosing me to be UNCLE DADDY for baby Peaches
*Keep blogging, because I like seeing my beautiful face in cyperspace.
*I'm glad you ACTUALLY open up a little of yourself in your blogs.
I have nothing but EVOL 4 U and your family.
That's so great about Bryson! I wish I could have been there. I just logged on to this site for the first time and am amazed by how neat it is and how very precious your kids are...of course, I already knew that!
I could especially ID with the one about single moms!
Love you,
You are just the sweetest thing! I wouldn't have missed that for anything! I was so excited that he felt comfortable enought to tell me and invite me! I am so proud of your little guy!
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