We (okay, Drew) cut down our tree at my grandparent's house this year. It was pretty bare, but it worked. My grandmother had some old ornaments that were my mom's and we decorated it the best we could. The boys had a good time with it. It may not be the prettiest tree, but it is one they will remember!
This is Addie and my granddad writing. We played many card games and Addie always had to be in on the action.
I have had so many emotions this week I don't even know where to start.
We left for my grandparent's house last Monday. When we got there my mom's brother and two sisters were there. It was good to see them, but also strange. Ever since my mom died people have acted weird around me. I don't know if I have done something to offend anyone or if I remind them of her and that makes them uncomfortable. I always look forward to seeing family, but then when I do it is awkward. We weren't around them for long because they left early the next morning. I wish things could be different, but I guess they can't.
I have been so emotional this past year. I think it is finally setting in that this is how things are going to be from now on. My mom is gone. Yes, I know she has been gone for over four years, but I think it is finally becoming real to me.
I have also been thinking a lot about my sister. My grandmother used to record us singing and talking when we were young. She brought out some of those tapes when we were there last week. I used to enjoy listening to those silly tapes, but now they just make me sad~ those two little innocent girls full of life and happiness. One would be dead by the time she was 21 and the other one would be left to face the world without a sister and a mother. I try not to dwell on those things, but sometimes they just get to me. I wonder what it would be like to go shopping with my sister. To hang out at each other's houses. To play with each others kids. To talk about the crazy things our mom said or did. I wish I could have had an adult relationship with her. This I will never have.
We were very close in age (13 months apart) and experienced many heartaches in our lives. We moved a lot. Our parents divorced after 11 or 12 years of marriage. We spent a lot of time together. We were all each other had. I remember that we used to sit in our room and sing songs out of an old hymnal. She would play the tune on a little keyboard she had and we would try to sing all the songs. We would play Barbies and store. She always had to be the storekeeper. She liked being in charge more than I did. She was older and liked to play the part of the older sister. Having kids now, I realize how special those times were. She has been gone almost 17 years~ almost as long as she was here. There are so many things we never got to do that I wish for almost daily. I don't know why this has been hard this year, but it has.
So, we had fun, I was just an emotional wreck. I think I hid it well, though. I didn't cry in front of anyone, so no one was the wiser! I am hoping I will be able to work through these emotions so I don't feel ready to cry at the drop of a hat. I am very sensitive anyway, I have just been extra sensitive the past couple of months.
I can't imagine what it must be like for you to not have your mom and sister to share your life with as your kids grow and change. I'm sure the pain is deeper than I can comprehend. The holidays have a way of making family issues come to the surface, so that's probably why you have been so sensitive. I'm sure you do remind your mom's siblings of her, and then they have their own pain to deal with associated with that and that leads to the awkwardness. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful relationship with your grandparents. That's the blessing in all of this!
Oh well...what do I know? I'm just guessing. I can tell you one thing I DO know. I love you and count you among my closest friends. I pray for you often, even though I don't understand how you must feel because I've never faced those same things. I don't say it or show it enough, but you truly are very special to me. At some of the lowest times in my life, you've been right there for me. I only hope I can do the same for you.
Hang in there, Sista! (I can always use another sister! :)
First of all, I have to say, AWESOME TREE! It's like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree!! Second, I know you have not offended your relatives, I'm sure they figure you're sad & just don't know what to say. I'm sorry it has been a hard year, but it's ok to be sad & it's ok to cry. All of this is part of who you are, and guess what? We love you just the way you are!! xxxooo
Love the Christmas tree...I'm glad y'all had fun at Grandmother & Grandpapa's...
I really wish I would have had the chance to know Jamie...Auntie Gwen really raised you right...and I know her and Jamie are sooo proud of the person you've become...and I'm pretty sure your children would be even more blessed to have such an amazing grandma... :)
I'll be praying for you!!
Love you!!!!
I think the holidays are just such an emotional time. I feel the same way; it's like happy times are always sad too because you wish your mom was there. I really think blogging helps though; your blog encouraged me to blog about my mom. I will be thinking about you. Enjoy the rest of your break with your sweet family.
I'm glad I found your blog, Jana. And I had no idea what you have been through...hopefully this will be a way for us to get to know each other better.
I'm sorry you have had to deal with so much...I can't imagine how hard that is, especially this time of year. I'll be praying for you.
All of your comments are so sweet and encouraging. I am working on being happy and content with what I have now and where the Lord has placed me. I know this is a life-long process and I will never be completely finished changing and growing. Thank you, my friends, for your prayers and wonderfully encouraging words. I am grateful.
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