This morning when I was getting Addison out of bed she said, "Ont bep bass." (translation: Want breakfast) She even went and got a Nurti Grain bar out of the pantry and climbed into her chair. This girl knows what she wants and knows how to get it!
She will call Jackson "Jack Jack" when she wants him for something.
She yells, "Guys!" when nobody is paying attention to her.
She even tries to "tattle" on the boys. She will say, "Mommy!" and start jabbering in tattle-tale tone. You know the one~ we have all heard it. She will look at me with her eyebrows raised and point at them while she is jabbering.
I have posted previously all the words she is saying. I can't do that any more, because I can't keep up with her! It seems like every day she is saying more and more. My baby is no longer a baby. I was hoping her baby-stage would last a little longer since she is the last one. She thinks she is a big girl and likes to wrestle with the boys and even chases them with light sabers. I have tried to dress her a little girly, but that isn't working too well either!
This past Sunday she was looking so cute for church. My dad and step-mother bought her a little dress from Talbot's last year and it just now fits her. The top of the dress was a dark purple velvet and the skirt part was pink satin with a floral sheer material over it. It had some silk flowers on the front and a big pink bow in the back~ so pretty and feminine. So, Sunday I dressed her in it and fixed her hair with a pretty pink bow. She was looking so cute~ she was feeling it, too! I dropped her off at Sunday School and three hours later I went back to get her. There she was~ bow hanging on the side of her head, red-faced from playing hard and the floral material torn off the front of her dress! The poor lady in her room felt horrible. She said Addie was running and fell down and stepped on the front of her dress and ripped it. We were planning on going out to lunch after church but she looked a mess. Drew had the solution~ he ripped off the rest of the floral material. Now it was just a purple and pink dress~ still cute even. While we were eating Addie spit her food out on the front of her dress and left a huge grease stain on the pink satin. The dress is officially ruined. She only got to wear it once for about four hours! I try to make her girly and feminine but this is what happens. She will be a jeans and t-shirt girl from now on!
With Bryson I was so ready for him to do the next thing for his age. I wanted him to grow up so he could "do" something. With Jackson he did things a little faster than Bryson without much prodding from us. Addison won't slow down at all. She tries to do everything the boys do and usually does it. I have to remind myself that she is only 17 months old because she acts so much older. So, I don't know where my little baby has gone, but I'm pretty sure she is gone for good. On to big girl fun!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I was hoping to read some comments, but guess it was just too funny. I just laughed and laughed, can't wait for Granddaddy to get out of the tub so he can read it. I can just see her in all her glory and then her not so "glory". The days are so quickly going by, but I can still enjoy all of them in their oh so different times in their life. All so cute. I couldn't believe how grown up Bryson is getting, enjoy him more because in such a short time he will be out of reach. He is going thru a difficult time not being little and not big. Try to enjoy him more!!! That's my lecture!!!!!
Granddaddy is feeling a "little" better. Tried to go to Dr this afternoon but couldn't or tomorrow, and they are closed Thurs. So......
Thanks for the cute blog!!!! Love You!!!
Tell me about it! We have a running list of words Noah can say now. I think we have to add three or four more everyday. He keeps us laughing!
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