Today is/was my mom's birthday. She would have been 59. I still miss her and still have the urge to call her and tell her what's going on with us and the kids. I would have thought this would have lessened over time, but it hasn't, yet. While she was here, I called her or she called me daily.
I don't talk about her as much as I used to. I know it makes people uncomfortable and I don't want to do that. Bryson doesn't remember much about when she was here, either. I can't blame him, he was only 4 1/2 when she died. When I told him it was her birthday today he didn't really say anything. I know he remembers how I reacted when I found out she was gone and I hate that I didn't think to shield him from that. I wasn't thinking. He will probably always remember that day, but has forgotten all the fun he had with her and how much he meant to her. I wish she were here to spoil him and play with him, Jackson and Addison. I am certain that they would be even more rotten than they already are if she were here! I hate that they will never have that kind of relationship with my mom. My grandmother and granddad spoil them when we see them, but we don't get to see them very often. Hopefully they will come see us more often (hint, hint!).My dad lives in Houston and they don't get to see him very often, either. Drew's mom works, well, you know the rest!
Anyway, I just wanted to acknowledge that it is/was my mom's birthday today. I didn't want it to seem like I forgot it. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Your mom would be so proud of those beautiful grandkids! She'd also be proud of the great mom, wife, and friend you are. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to Jana's mom! Kecia's right...your mom would be so proud of you and all you are today. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and a wonderful mother and friend. You shouldn't beat yourself up about how you reacted when you found out your mom was gone. You were in shock and had no time to prepare for the news you received. Bryson will grow to realize that someday, if he doesn't already now. Kids understand a lot more than we give them credit for sometimes.
Have I told you lately he's a great kid, and I'm so glad he's in my class????
I thought about her today and work and started crying...let's just say i've had a rather rough week! and it's not over yet...
She would be sooo proud of the woman you've become! and i know she would br proud of the family you have raised! :)
love you!!!
<>< Ashley
I agree with everyone else. You are my inspiration and your mom is definitely smiling. Probably laughing most of the time. I love you and I am so proud of you too.
Love you, Jana!
I know it is so hard not having your mom here; I miss my mom everyday. Your mom would be so happy for you and your sweet kids.
UGH! I just called my mom to remind her of how thankful I am for her. Today would have been my grandmother and grandfather's 60th wedding anniversary. My mom lost her mom last April--just 10 days before we lost our baby. This time of year can be really hard...especially since your mind kind of makes you remember the passing of your loved ones and the sadness accompaning that.
Your mom would be very proud of you. You do a great job of honoring her. Her legacy lives on in you.
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