Crazy for scarves! These are the scarves I have made since Wednesday. Yes, I know, that was only TWO days ago and there are FIVE scarves pictured. I had to do something with myself while I was home from work with a sick baby. I started making scarves about a month ago. I have made about 20 so far. I gave them as Christmas gifts this year. But now, I just don't want to stop making them! I have so much fun choosing yarn and making them. I can make one in about two to three hours depending on the length and width of the scarf. Now I have to decide what to do with all of them. I made one for myself, but I prefer to give them away. I may just give mine away!
Like I mentioned earlier, Addison has been sick for a few days. Her babysitter, Miss Linda, called Wednesday morning and said that Addie had a 103 degree temperature. She had been a little fussy that morning and the night before, but we just never know with her if she is feeling bad or just being fussy. She didn't sleep well that night and kept having a fever. I stayed home with her on Thursday. Thursday afternoon she had a 102 degree temp. Drew called the doctor and he said she should come in before the weekend. She didn't sleep well that night, either. This morning she woke up with "goopy" eyes, congestion and a cough. The doctor said it was adenovirus. (I knew he would say a virus and hated to spend $25 to go since there is nothing they can do for a virus, but I took her anyway.) He said it starts in the head, goes to the throat and into the chest. It should last between 10 and 14 days. We are just alternating Motrin and Tylenol for any pain she has. Tonight her eyes looked worse, red and "goopier." I know she feels miserable, but we can't do anything except let it run it's course. I just hope the boys don't get it. So, that is what I have been dealing with for a few days. That and making scarves!
I am very impressed with your scarf making talent! I need to come over so you can teach me! I like all those scarves, but the one you made for me is still my number one favorite!!!
my favorite is the red one ;)
Poor Addie! I hope she feels better. I LOVE your new hobby - mostly b/c I get to benefit from it! HA! I love the scarf you made me for my b-day & I've used it for crosswalk duty a lot this week - it is SO warm & soft! Keep it up Lady! BTW, if you run out of people to give them to, I bet there are women's shelters or something like that you could donate them to. I know my mom has made baby blankets & stuff like that in the past for the women's shelter near her house...just an idea for ya!
It's hard to tell just what they look like, but I know they are pretty. Granddaddy wears his a lot.!!! Sits around like a 80 year old man!!! I can hardly stay awake.
Oh, yes Addie looked so cute!!!Does that sound odd coming from me????
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