Friday, January 23, 2009

Two Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed

I needed something lighter to post so I videoed Jackson and Addison jumping on the bed the other night. I know I will one day regret letting them do this, but for now it's fun! Oh, and you must pay attention to her wonderful nose trick. I am so proud! ;0)


Stefanie said...

You can't watch that one without smiling...heck, laughing out loud! I had a belly laugh when Addie showed her nose and "stuff" came out! That's classic. They definitely have a flair for the dramatic. Yes, you may regret letting them jump on the bed later, but what a memory. Thanks for sharing. You made me wishful for my kids' younger days! :)

Katie said...

I love watching your videos - your kids are awesome & it's fun to see their personalities...and fun pj's!

Heather said...

What a cute video!

Laura said...

FUN! You are a super cool mom for letting them jump on the bed!