My last post (actually 3 posts) took me so long to put together (about 4 1/2 hours) that I haven't felt like blogging much this week. Nothing really exciting has happened. I am okay with this. Sometimes it feels like there is too much going on and I just want some quiet. This is what I have this week, so I will enjoy it!
Jackson did get stung by a bee on his toe today. He keeps calling it his "broken bumblebee toe."
Addison continues to amaze me every day. She can do so much and can say everything we do. Her favorite thing to do right now is color. We can't even say the word "color" without her yelling "yahoo" and jumping up and down. She will color for 30-45 minutes at a time. She wants us to "dook" (look) at every mark she makes and tell her how "ditty" (pretty) it is. So we do plenty of that! The boys will sit and color with her also and tell her what a good job she is doing. I just love to see them interacting and getting along. It helps make up for the times they are screaming, crying and tattling on each other. (Almost!)
Right now Addie is jumping on the bed and saying, "Dook, Mommy! Dook, Mommy!" over and over and over... She thinks she is the funniest thing around!
I will go for now before my little monkey falls of the bed!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
She has a nice, long attention span! That's a good sign. Connor still can't do one thing for more than 5 minutes at a time. I guess that's why he's been such a challenge, but I love him more than words can say. Those times when there's "not much going on" are the best times in the world. Enjoy your family...they grow so fast. I guess it's obvious...I'm missing my Katelyn.
Tell Jackson I'm sorry he has a "bumble bee toe" I would make it all better if I were there. Also I would"dook" when Addie did something!!! So glad she likes to color. At least you how to keep her entertained.
Will go to Broken Bow tomorrow with the church women to see a movie & eat out!! (girls? night out) Will have to take the van and also 2 more cars as so many are going, I just found out about it tonight. Guess I was the last moment invite!! Judy had called and asked if I was going, and said if I didn't go she wouldn't either, so they finely called.
Will eat at Mexican place??????
Laura said it was all her treat!!
Can't beat that!!!!
Love You,
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