Last week was a busy week. This week was just plain rough.
Last Saturday night Addison busted her lip on the coffee table. It was bound to happen sometime. I heard the awful noise and immediately reached for her. I just remember saying, "Lots of blood. There is lots of blood." Drew ran for a towel. Jackson started crying, "She's dying. She's dying." Bryson was saying (and crying), "Oh, no. She's going to die. She's going to die." Addison was SCREAMING. (My kids are very dramatic!) There was blood on me and Addie. I don't think she got any on the carpet, thank goodness!
She finally stopped bleeding and settled down after several minutes. I couldn't tell if her tooth went through her bottom lip or if she bit her lip. Either way, she was cut on the inside and the outside of her lip. I knew from past experience when Bryson busted his lip, that they wouldn't put stitched on the inside of a lip for fear of infection. The outside had just a small cut.
I really didn't think too much more about her lip until Wednesday morning. She woke up very cranky and nothing would make her happy. Even Elmo failed to bring a smile. She didn't eat breakfast and cried when she tried to drink from her sippy cup.
When I picked her up at Miss Linda's that afternoon she said Addie had been horrible all day. She cried and whined and was cranky all day. I took her home and gave her a bath. I noticed that she was drooling a lot and was barely moving her mouth. My grandparents were on their way over to visit so I knew we were just going to have to make the best of it.
I looked at her bottom lip and she had several canker sores on it. I thought she might have a virus, lingering chicken pox in her mouth or hand, foot and mouth disease. My grandparents had already asked if they could keep Addie and Jackson on Thursday, so this worked out well. I didn't want to send her back to the babysitter's house if I thought she had a virus. They stayed with them and she didn't eat anything that day. She just cried if she tried to eat or drink. Her lip looked swollen, too.
Drew stayed home with her on Friday and I convinced him to call the doctor. The doctor wanted to see her so they went that afternoon. She didn't eat that day, either. She has lost two pounds since she was in there for the chicken pox a couple of weeks ago.
The doctor thought that when she busted her lip last Saturday her teeth caused some abrasions on her lip that had turned into canker sores. He gave Drew a prescription for some medicine that would take a couple of day to get filled and would have to be put on a dry lip. We would have to dry her lip with a piece of gauze and hold her lip for 10 seconds with the medicine on it. Uh, yeah, right. It took 4 people to hold her down just to look in her mouth! We decided to give her Motrin and Tylenol and put some canker sore medicine on it. Since she hadn't really had anything to eat or drink in two days, Drew forced her to drink some water last night. She wasn't really happy about it, but she did it. She only drank about 4-5 tablespoons, though.
This morning he made her eat some cereal and eventually she began to feed herself. She is acting more like herself now. She isn't as cranky or irritable and seems to be getting better.
Let me just tell you that when Addison isn't happy, nobody is happy. Man, that little girl has a mighty temper and a humongous attitude. I know it will serve her well one day, but right now it is rough! I am glad she is feeling better. I don't like it when my kids hurt and I can't do anything aobut it. She is on the mend and hopefully we are too!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
I will leave you with this thought;
she gets her temper and attitude from one of you and Drew is the kindest, most tolerant person I have seen in years so I guess that leaves ???????
Love you very much, temper and all,
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